Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Add and Subtract Fractions 3 Simple Steps

How to Add and Subtract Fractions 3 Simple Steps SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Adding and subtracting fractions can look intimidating at first glance. Not only are you working with fractions, which are notoriously confusing, but suddenly you have to contend with converting numerators and denominators, too. But adding and subtracting fractions is a useful skill. Once you know the vocabulary and the basics, you’ll be adding and subtracting fractions with ease. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know for adding and subtracting fractions, including some example problems to test your skills. Key Vocabulary for Adding and Subtracting Fractions Before we can get into the math for adding and subtracting fractions, you need to know the terminology. We’ll be using these terms throughout, so brush up on them to be sure you always know what part of the fraction we’re referring to. Fraction: A number that is not a whole number; a part of a whole. For our purposes, a fraction will refer to a number written with a numerator and a denominator, such as $1/5$ or $147/4$. Numerator: The top number in a fraction, reflecting the number of parts of a whole, such as the 1 in $1/5$. Denominator: The bottom number in a fraction, representing the total number of parts, such as the 5 in $1/5$. Common Denominator: When two fraction share the same denominator, such as $1/3$ and $2/3$. Least Common Denominator: The smallest denominator two fractions can share. For example, the least common denominator of $1/2$ and $1/5$ is 10, because the smallest number both 2 and 5 go into is 10. Pies make great fractions. How Do You Add and Subtract Fractions? Now that you have the vocabulary, it’s time to put that into action. You can’t simply add or subtract fractions as you would a whole number $1/4 - 1/2$ doesn’t equal $0/2$, for example. Instead, you’ll need to find a common denominator before you add or subtract. There are many ways to find a common denominator, some of which are easier or more efficient than others. One of the easiest ways to find a common denominator, though not necessarily the best, is to simply multiply the two denominators together. For example, a possible least common denominator for $1/2$ and $1/12$ would be 24, which you find by multiplying the 2 denominator by the 12 denominator. You can solve a problem using the common denominator of 24 using the steps below, but if you do, you’ll run into a problem- your fraction will need to be reduced. To eliminate the need to reduce once you’ve added or subtracted, instead try to find the least common denominator. Sometimes that will be the same as multiplying two denominators together, but it often won’t be. However, finding the least common denominator isn’t hard- you’ll just need to be familiar with your multiplication tables. For example, let’s try to find the least common denominator, rather than just a common denominator, for the same fractions we used above: $$1/2\: \and \: 1/12$$. To do this, list out a few multiples of each denominator Multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 Multiples of 12: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 Then, look at both lists of multiples and find the lowest number both share. In this case, both 2 and 12 share the multiple 12. If we kept going, we would end up with other multiples they share, such as 24, but 12 is the smallest, meaning it’s the least common multiple. You can do this with any pair of numbers, though larger numbers may present more of a challenge. For adding or subtracting, you can always return to simply multiplying one denominator by the other if you’re having trouble finding the least common denominator, but do keep in mind that you will likely have to reduce. Fractions are the tastiest part of math. How to Add Fractions - Method 1 Now that you know how to find a common denominator, you’re ready to start adding and subtracting. Let’s return to the example of $1/2$ and $1/12$- in this case, let's look at this problem: $$1/2 + 1/12$$ Remember, you can’t add straight across; $1/2 + 1/12$ does not equal $2/14$. #1: Find a Common Denominator We’ll find the least common denominator first, since that’s generally the best way to go about it. We already did the work above, but as a reminder, you’ll want to write out a series of multiples of each number until you find a match. In this case, both 2 and 12 have a multiple of 12. #2: Multiply to Get Each Numerator Over the Same Denominator Always remember that anything you do to the denominator must also be done to the numerator. So let’s take a look at these two fractions we need to get over the denominator 12. $1/12$ is easy- it’s already over the denominator of 12, so we don’t have to do anything to it. $1/2$ will need some work. What number multiplied by 2 will equal 12? To rephrase that question as a problem we can solve, $2*?=12$. Or, even simpler, we can invert the operation to get $12/2=?$, which we can easily solve. So now we know that to go from a denominator of 2 to a denominator of 12, we need to multiply by 6. Again, remember that everything you do to the denominator needs to be done to the numerator as well, so multiply the top and bottom by 6 to get $6/12$. #3: Add the Numerators, but Leave the Denominators Alone Now that you have the same denominators, you can add the numerators straight across. In this case, that will mean that $6/12 + 1/12 = 7/12$. Ask yourself if you can reduce the fraction by diving both the numerator and the denominator by the same number. In this case, you can’t, so your answer is a simple $7/12$. How to Add Fractions- Method 2 Alternatively, we could simply multiply the two denominators together to find a different common denominator. This is a different way to solve the problem, but will end up with the same answer. #1: Multiply the Denominators Together No fancy tricks here- simply multiply 2 by 12 to get 24. That will be your common denominator. #2: Multiply to Get Each Numerator Over the Same Denominator Just as we did when we found the least common denominator, we’ll need to multiply both the top and bottom number of each fraction. In this case, use inverse operations to find out what number you’ll need to multiply. If $1/2$ needs to be $?/24$, you can do $24Ã ·2$ to figure out what number you’ll need to multiply by- 12. Multiply the top and the bottom by 12 to get $12/24$. Repeat the process with $1/12$. If $1/12$ needs to be $?/24$, solve $24Ã ·12$ to get 2. Now multiply the numerator and denominator of $1/12$ by 2 to get $2/24$. #3: Add the Numerators Together Now you can simply add straight across. $$12/24 + 2/24 = 14/24$$. #4: Reduce Here’s where the extra step comes in. $14/24$ is not a fraction in its lowest form, so we’ll need to reduce it. To reduce, we need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same number. To do so, we’ll need to find the greatest common factor. Much like finding the least common multiple, this means listing out numbers until we find two factors that both the numerator and the denominator have in common, excluding 1, like so: 14: 2, 7 24: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 What number do they have in common? 2. That means that 2 is our greatest common factor, and therefore the number we’ll be dividing the numerator and denominator by. $14Ã ·2=7$ and $24Ã ·2=12$ giving us the answer of $7/12$. The answer is the same as when we solved using the least common multiple, and can’t be reduced any further, so that’s our final answer! If you ever find yourself writing out lots of factors without much luck, there are some quick ways to figure out potential factors. If a number is even, it can be divided by 2. If you can add a number's digits a number that is divisible by 3, the number is divisible by 3- such as 96 ($9+6=15$ and $1+5=6$, which is divisible by 3). If the number ends in a 5 or a 0, it is divisible by 5. If you’re not sure when to stop looking for factors, subtract the smaller number from the larger one. That number will be the largest possible common factor, but not the greatest common factor itself.For example, let’s take 50 and 32. Sure, we could just divide both by 2 and keep reducing from there, but if you do $50-32$ you get 18, telling us to stop looking for the greatest common factor once we hit 18.In practice, that looks like this:50: 2, 5, 1032: 2, 4, 8, 16Instead of continuing on, we know to stop when the next factor would be 18 or above, stopping us from spending more time figuring out factors we don’t need. We can see a lot quicker that the greatest common factor is 2 and move on with the problem! $1/1 - 1/? = yum$ How to Subtract Fractions Once you’ve mastered adding fractions, subtracting fractions will be a breeze! The process is exactly the same, though you’ll naturally be subtracting instead of adding. #1: Find a Common Denominator Let’s look at the following example: $$2/3-3/10$$ We need to find the least common multiple for the denominators, which will look like this: 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 10: 10, 20, 30 The first number they have in common is 30, so we’ll be putting both numerators over a denominator of 30. #2: Multiply to Get Both Numerators Over the Same Denominator First, we need to figure out how much we’ll need to multiply both the numerator and denominator of each fraction by to get a denominator of 30. For $2/3$, what number times 3 equals 30? In equation form: $$30Ã ·3=?$$ Our answer is 10, so we’ll multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10 to get $20/30$. Next, we’ll repeat the process for the second fraction. What number do we need to multiply by 10 to get 30? Well, $30Ã ·10=3$, so we’ll multiply the top and bottom by 3 to get $9/30$. This makes our problem $20/30-9/30$, which means we’re ready to continue! #3: Subtract the Numerators Just as we did with addition, we’ll subtract one numerator from the other but leave the denominators alone. $$20/30-9/30=/30$$. Since we found the least common multiple, we already know that the problem can’t be reduced any further. However, let’s say that we just multiplied 3 by 10 to get the denominator of 30, so we need to check if we can reduce. Let’s use that little trick we learned to find the greatest possible common factor. Whatever factors and 30 share, they can’t be greater than $30-$, or 19. : 30: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15 Since they don’t share any common factors, the answer cannot be reduced any further. $1/10$pizza is still $10/10$ tasty. Adding and Subtracting FractionsExamples Let’s go over a few more sample problems! $$8/15-4/9$$ #1: Find a common denominator 15: 15, 30, 45, 60 9: 9, 18, 27, 26, 45 #2: Multiply to get both numerators over the same denominator $$45/15=\bo3$$ $$8Ã ·3=24$$ $$15*3=45$$ $$24/45$$ $$45Ã ·9=\bo5$$ $$4*5=20$$ $$9*5=45$$ $$20/45$$ #3: Subtract the numerators $$24/45-20/45=\bo4/\bo45$$ $$6/+3/4$$ #1: Find a common denominator : , 22, 33, 44 4: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44 #2: Multiply to get both numerators over the same denominator $$44Ã ·=\bo4$$ $$6*4=24$$ $$*4=44$$ $$24/44$$ $$44Ã ·4=\bo$$ $$3*=33$$ $$4*=44$$ $$33/44$$ #3: Add the numerators $$24/44+33/44=\bo57/\bo44$$ or $$\bo1 \bo13/\bo44$$ $$4/7-/21$$ #1: Find a common denominator 7: 7, 14, 21 21: 21, 42, 63 #2: Multiply to get both numerators over the same denominator $$21Ã ·7=\bo3$$ $$3*4=12$$ $$3*7=21$$ $$12/21$$ $/2$ is already over 21, so we don’t have to do anything. #3: Subtract the numerators $$12/21-/21=\bo1/21$$ $$8/9+7/13$$ #1: Find a common denominator 9: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108, 7 13: 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 7 #2: Multiply to get both numerators over the same denominator $$7Ã ·9=\bo13$$ $$8*13=104$$ $$9*13=7$$ $$104/7$$ $$7Ã ·13=\bo9$$ $$7*9=63$$ $$13*9=7$$ $$63/7$$ #3: Add the numerators $$104/7+63/7=\bo167/\bo7$$ What’s Next? Adding and subtracting fractions can get even more simple if you start converting decimals to fractions! If you're unsure what high school math classes you should be taking, this guide will help youfigure out your schedule to be sure you're ready for college! Now that you're an expert in adding and subtracting fractions, challenge yourself by learning how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

DNA translation Essays

DNA translation Essays DNA translation Essay DNA translation Essay The study presents a new way of implementing a new model for networks by creating networks through the application of the DNA translation model and a Java simulation configured to adapt the chosen model. A brief description of how the DNA translation works is discussed as well as how the process of translation is applied to the created nodes in order to create one or more networks. Different parameters will be used to obtain a wide variety of results and to further be able to study how these parameters affect the creation of nodes and networks. Significant parameters include the property file, alphabet, initial nodes length, unit distance and max distance. As a result of the experiment, parameters with the most significant effects on network measures will be identified. It will also be presented that input parameters with different compositions lead to various behaviors of the network measures. ? Introduction Studies about linking nodes with each other to in order to form a network already exists but most of these studies did not concern itself with the organization of nodes such as giving it a name and analyzing its structure. In this study, however, nodes are given names and the relationship between nodes through its name and structure is established. This is achieved by applying the model of the genetic code of a DNA to form a genetic network. To achieve the goals of the study, a model is used for the study specifically the translation of a DNA. The translation of a DNA is a perfect model in studying complex networks and how the nodes of these networks are connected. Similar to how nucleotides and codons pair up to produce proteins, the nodes in this study are paired to create a network. To apply the translation of DNA into a network, a simulation is used. The codons in a DNA will be the nodes for the network. As for how these nodes will be linked, a genetic table will be applied. The resulting network will be like a protein molecule, a set of amino acids which resulted from the linking of codons or for this study, the nodes. Through the use of this model, nodes are created, structures developed and nodes connected to create an organized and intricate network. A simulation is used to perform the experiment although the simulation is not developed explicitly for this study. It is adapted as a tool to perform the study and create different networks based on a property file. The simulation is written in java and has been developed with Netbeans. The simulation allows the user to create connected networks based on different models so that it can be studied according to various procedures. It also has the option of creating one or more networks. The input for this simulation is the property file property. txt which contains all the properties of the node. This file must be present in the same directory the program is invoked. This program may be run outside eclipse or Netbeans by double clicking the jar file created from the program. Aims of the Study There are two major aims of this study. The first aim is to create networks with different properties so that the created networks may be studied further based on the genetic code, i. e. nodes as codons, the link between these nodes based on the genetic table and the output network as the protein molecule. The second aim is to understand how the input parameters for the simulation of a DNA translation model influence the generation of networks. The first aim will be achieved through the use of the simulation and the DNA translation model. The second aim will be achieved by first studying the input file for the simulation, specifically the property. txt which contains all the significant parameters in order to create and connect nodes to form a network and how these parameters are used and what effects they cause in the creation and connection of nodes. Objectives of the Study The main objective of the study is to run various tests that would generate one or more networks whose nodes contain a fixed structure. In detail, the objectives are: Apply DNA translation model to simulation Configure simulation to adopt the chosen model Create a stable property file which will contain the structure of the nodes Run simulation to create nodes and connect nodes to form a network

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Scientific Support for Coaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Scientific Support for Coaches - Essay Example This is a simple indication of the research done to understand the coaching behavior practically undertaken within this schooling institution (Carling, Reilly, & Williams, 2009, p. 3). Therefore, the following paper will look into the significance, source and impact of a coach’s behavior towards the players, and the scientific approach taken and attained towards solving or improving the issue. The factors considered in the research video clips include the means by which the coach shows the drills, how he or she fines the players, the feelings of the coach, and how leading he or she is within and outside the team. Therefore, it is not that significant what the coach utters for every word. After watching both video clips, the coaching behavior and experience there are overall things not only about the film, but the scientific aspect of the study’s aim. Supporting the coach is a prosperous factor of scientific knowledge obtained on the basis of studies carried out with athletes. Data is accessible to maintain the coach and athlete in every zone of training and advancement as well as nutrition, biomechanics, physiology, mental and medication. There are several methodical techniques to measure and assess the athlete’s behavior. For example, computer-assisted evaluation of VO2 max, lactate amounts, running methodologies are a number of the methods. The art of coaching pulls in the moment the coach has to evaluate the methodical information and convert it into coaching and training schedules to assist the athlete. This evaluation depends entirely on the skills and behavior of the coach. The knowledge of the sport or event ought to be a concern of the player and the coach as well. By comprehending the science behind the coaching skills and experience is the foundation of training. It is also an elegant and exercise schedule that can be advanced and assist a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Effective Instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Effective Instruction - Essay Example In this case, after asking several students in class why they chose 7 as the correct answer but found they could not describe how they arrived at the answer, the teacher could ask the student to approach the problem from a different angle. He could inquire if they could explain why they thought the numbers 5 or 6 was the incorrect answer. Based on the student response, the teacher may be able to discover the source of the student misunderstanding. If they gave an answer implying that 5 and 6 are lover numbers than 7, then the teacher would see clearly that students were missing the main point of the probability exercise. If the students response was heading in the right direction, meaning they were showing an understanding of the probability problem, but were struggling with the proper terminology, then the teacher could re-work the problem with the class, once again using the proper steps and terminology. In general, the questioning technique that is most useful in this situation is one that asks very general questions at first, and then begins to ask more specific questions as the students continue to struggle to grasp the concept. Asking questions that are too specific too soon robs the student of the chance to think the problem though and discover the solution themselves (Polya, 1957). In the example provided, if the students’ answers as to how they solved the problem indicate a real lack of understanding of the basics of probability, then returning to the original material and re-teaching it a different way would be recommended. One way of re-teaching using a powerful questioning technique would be to approach the problem from an inductive reasoning point of view. Instead of defining probability, and forcing the steps of solving the problem again the way you have already done, encourage the students to think about answers to leading questions that will guide them through

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Risk Management Paper Essay Example for Free

Risk Management Paper Essay 1. Individual Risks: Stress, No Family Time, Loss of Control. 2. Business Risks: Instability, Ineffective Management, Financial Loss. 3. Focused Risks: Unknown Markets, Aggressive Competitors, Unfamiliar Terrain. Business development brings weights to a framework that might not have had room schedule-wise/experience to get intended up for expanded generation or administrations. New timings of payables/receivables may make monetary strain. Clients may feel underserved. Workers may be uneasy about all the progressions. Developing is the following enormous test for an entrepreneur its energizing and new. That part is well known. Pushing your current item into new markets, or new items into existing markets will be new and may have unanticipated results. Additionally as you push up against greater contenders, dont be amazed in the event that they battle back! Ponder outsourcing, acquiring makeshift official insightful in development, preparing your staff in new innovation/approach or beginning another organization with new value, as opposed to existing cash flow. Quantitative Risk Analysis is the methodology for numerically breaking down the impact on general venture objectivities of distinguished dangers (comp. Pmbok3, p. 237). On the base of the after-effects of the Qualitative Risk Analysis the Quantitative Risk Analysis is performed on dangers that have been prioritized and analysis’s the impacts of those dangers occasions and assigns a numerical rating to those dangers. As opposed to evaluating the single effects by utilizing a crude typology as a part of the procedure of Quantitative Risk Analysis the effects to the entire undertaking will be made processable and will be processed for creating a more expounded aggregate positioning. Information social event and representation methods like Talking with and registering the likelihood appropriations on the base of master judgment Quantitative risk analysis and displaying systems like:- Affectability investigation which comes about for instance may be spoken to by the tornado graph Expected monetary esteem dissection (EVM) which is a factual idea that ascertains the normal result when the future incorporates situations that could possibly happen. Opportunities are certain qualities,  dangers as negative. Choice tree dissection is typically organized utilizing a choice tree graph that portrays a situation under contemplations, and the ramifications of every accessible decisions and conceivable situations Risk management plan To manage risk, follow the following steps:- Make Risk Management Part of Your Project Recognize Risks Early in Your Project Convey About Risks Consider Both Threats and Opportunities Clear up Ownership Issues Prioritize Risks Break down Risks Register Project Risks Risk response plan Actualizing a danger reaction is the movement that really increases the value of your task. You keep a risk happening or minimize negative impacts. Execution is key here. Alternate standards have helped you to guide, prioritize and comprehend dangers. This will help you to make a sound danger reaction arrange that concentrates on the enormous wins. On the off chance that you manage dangers you fundamentally have three alternatives, hazard shirking, danger minimisation and danger acknowledgement. Maintaining a strategic distance from dangers implies you compose your undertaking in such a path, to the point that you dont experience a danger any longer. This could mean changing supplier or receiving an alternate engineering or, in the event that you manage a deadly hazard, ending a task. Using more cash on a bound undertaking is a terrible speculation. The greatest classification of responses is the ones to minimize dangers. You can attempt to keep a danger happening by affecting the reasons or diminishing the negative impacts that could come about. In the event that you have done tenet 7 appropriately (chance investigation) you will have a lot of chances to impact it. A last reaction is to acknowledge a danger. This is a decent decision if the consequences for the undertaking are negligible or the conceivable outcomes to impact it end up being extremely troublesome, time  intensive or generally costly. Simply verify that it is a cognizant decision to acknowledge a certain danger. Reactions for danger opportunities are the converse of the ones for dangers. They will concentrate on looking for dangers, boosting them or disregarding them (if opportunities turn out to be excessively little). Scheduling The planning technique comprised of four (4) stages. The initial three (3) stages are performed under the supervision of the undertaking group and the fourth stage is performed by the site designer to detail the work prerequisites of exercises. The principal stage begins by welcoming topic masters speaking to distinctive exchanges, for example, structural lives up to expectations, electrical, mechanical, and so on. The masters precisely surveyed the errands identified with their zone of mastery and separate them into exercises and sub exercises that might be effectively overseen. They additionally recognize the required assets, and focus the obliged length of time for every movement focused around standard benefit record, and outline the conditions of those exercises. When the work of the Smes is finished, they meet with the scheduler and assessing and arranging chiefs to draw up the starting calendar, expecting boundless assets. At the second stage, the undertaking group surveys the draft plan and chooses either to acknowledge it, or if the calendar is not agreeable, they may add more assets to decrease the length of time of the task. The third stage will begin if the group is still not fulfilled by the result of the second stage. This may include changing the development routines and/or slamming some discriminating exercises that oblige very talented/exceedingly paid work. Once the last timetable is created, it is given to the site specialist or foreman who will set up the fourth stage plan that exhibits a fleeting itemized action plan that is utilized by laborers to perform their allocated errands. To handle those four stages, they utilizes PRIMAVERA or MS Projects programming, the last programming is utilized when there is a need to interface with different projects. These projects are composed after the principals of the Critical Path Method (CPM). This method is a powerful approach that helps utilize it s assets proficiently and utilize its labour in the best way. Controlling It takes after a decently sorted out framework for controlling their ventures with respect to the two paramount variables, to be specific, time and expense. The control procedure was separated into two sub processes: 1) the observing methodology and 2) the redesigning procedure. Both these methods are legislated by various parameters, as depicted beneath. Checking The primary methodology of controlling undertaking development is checking. This procedure is directed to distinguish any deviations from the first arrange. The site specialist gives a day by day status write about site exercises. This report screens the acquisition prepare alongside the particular development movement. The obtainment observing procedure includes production of material orders, submitting of procurement requests, and conveyance of materials to the worksite. This methodology was emulated as an intends to encourage fractional advancement instalment all through the development process. Amid the real development transform, the Earned Value Analysis methodology is executed with a specific end goal to assess the general status of the venture as far as time and plan. Risk Reassessment The statement reassessment is something that you wouldve heard regularly in genuine living. The significance of Risk Reassessment is in the same lines as the exacting importance/reason for the statement and concentrates on Risks particularly. There are three parts of Risk Reassessment that you must recollect for the RMP Exam. They are: 1. Recognizing New Risks 2. Shutting Risks that are no more relevant 3. Keeping tab on existing dangers to evaluate if any further activity is needed Risk Audits Risk Audits is an alternate apparatus and strategy that we use amid the screen and control dangers process. It is additionally piece of the general procedure change of the undertaking. Risk Audits are concerned with: †¢ Measuring the adequacy of the danger reactions †¢ Measuring the adequacy of the danger administration forms in the task When we perform Risk Audits, we analyze the danger reactions (that were actualized) to figure out whether they were powerful in taking care of the dangers and their underlying drivers. The yield of this review is constantly recorded. Thus, we can additionally review and gage the viability of the danger administration forms in the task all in all as well. The thought behind these sorts of exercises is to be more proactive than be touchy. We are always attempting to refine and enhance our procedures and effectiveness and this danger review can enormously help the danger administration polishes in the venture as well as the entire association too (If we legitimately catch the consequences of our reviews and make lessons learned documents). References:- NASA (2001). NASA NPR 9501.2D. May 23, 2001. Electronic Industries Alliance Standard Systems Engineering Capability Model EIA-731.1 Hagan, Gregory T., Effective Work Breakdown Structures, pp7-8 Barkley, B. T. (2006). Integrated Project Management (1st Ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Japanese Katana Essay -- Art, Sword, Samurai

A popular ancient Japanese saying states that â€Å"The sword is the soul of the warrior.† (Buchanan 120) The warrior in the proverb pertains to the samurai of feudal Japan and the sword refers to their most prominent weapon, the Katana. An ancient blade made through a complicated forging process, the Katana is truly a work of art. Also known as the Japanese long sword or the samurai sword, the Katana is a curved, single-edged blade with ridges along its exterior. It is primarily used as a weapon to cut down or slash its foes (Robinson 28). The ridges along the blade, called the hamon, divides the soft metal components, the shingane, from the hadagane of the hard metal components used to forge the sword to give it its trademark razor sharp edge and flexibility (Turnbull 12). The blade of the Katana is around sixty to seventy centimeters in length and is often likened to the arc of the new moon. With its signature curved edge and its fusion of hard and soft metals, the Katana i s considered to be the greatest offensive weapon ever created (O’Neill 114,116). It is a hallmark of Japanese sword history and is a noteworthy aspect of Japanese craftsmanship. The Japanese Katana is an important symbol of Japanese culture whose significance must be asserted. Stories about war and implements of such can be observed throughout the course of Japanese history. This shows the prevalence of martial training and the profession of arms as a tradition that has not faded since ancient times (Friday and Humitake 13). Japanese sword history spans several centuries. It is commonly divided into five major periods, the Jokoto and Koto periods or the ancient swords, pre-650 A.D, and the old swords from post-650 A.D. until 1596 A.D. when the Shinto... ...h their swords. [†¦] All lived by a code that valued death over defeat. They were the samurai, the elite warrior class who ruled Japan for nearly 700 years, leaving an indelible mark on a land [Japan][†¦].† (O’Neill 101) This quote taken from a National Geographic publication is one of many others that speak of the tenacity of the samurai. Noble and aggressive, the samurai wield their swords with killing intent, confident that a simple strike from their blades can cause certain death to their foes. This was the primary reason the Katana is made in such a way. It is to create a weapon of absolute destruction. An implement comprising of aspects that symbolize elegance and devastation, the Katana not only is the finest weapon ever made, it is also a beautiful work of art (Yumoto n.p.). The elegance of the Katana stems from its shape and the method used to create it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mock Exam, English by Norwegian Student.

Mock Exam 1stc 7th of December 2012 By Gard Detlev Oksendal Task 1 1B 1. The three most important differences between the writing styles in the two texts (Appendices 2 and 4) Difference one: The biggest difference between Appendix 2 and 4 is the fact that Appendix 2 is a short novel, which we don’t know if it’s true or not compared to Appendix 4 who is an informative text with clear fact and reasoning. App 2 is taken from the book â€Å"the house on mango street†, which clearly is a novel in contrast to App 4 which is an article from Newsweek, 2011. Difference two: App 2 is written in short sentences with many stops.The text is actually written a bit mysterious way. App 4 on the other hand is a coherent text, where the message of the text is clear. Difference three: In App 4 they use real – life stories to underline their facts. In contrast, App 2 is written out of Sandra Cisneros free fantasy and thoughts. Maybe this story is based on some kind of truth, but it doesn’t say anything about it. 2. The advantages as well as the disadvantages of moving abroad, seen from a young person’s point of view. Here are some of my arguments whether I think it is a good choice or not to move abroad as a young person.As far as I can think, there are much more advantages by moving abroad as a young person, rather than not moving. I have made two lists, one with advantages the other one with disadvantages: Advantages * You learn to know other cultures, which can be really positive. Not just for the knowledge, but also the fact that you as a human really can grow by knowing and accepting foreign cultures. * Of course it depends on the place you go, but let`s say for example that you are an American, who is considering moving to Asia, there are many good reasons to do so: * Asia is the up and coming in the world these days.If you are able to communicate with them in their native language, they often go in with more will in for example a ne gotiation, or simply just a small talk, getting to know the cute girl you saw at the club last night. Another language you might want to learn is German. Germans are some of the most organized and economic people in the world. If you know their native language, most people will meet you with open arms. * When I read through Appendix 4 in the booklet you handed out, I held on to one sentence which describes the situation in the world today in a very good way.Let me quote Jim Rodgers from the text â€Å"How to Raise a Global Kid† by Lisa Miller: â€Å"The money is in the East, the Debtors are in the West. I`d rather be with the creditors than the debtors. † * Even tough, English is becoming bigger and bigger as a second-language despite the big debt problems they have in the US. 200 million Chinese Schoolchildren are studying English, and in South Korea many parents lost their temper recently. The reasoning behind was that they wanted their kids to learn English at first grade, rather than in second as they practice today. Yes, English is really important as a world language up to this date, despite the fact that Asia is growing bigger and bigger, US drowning in their enormous debt that only increases with millions each minute you read this text. So your English will definitely help you when moving abroad. * Asia is just an advice to where you could move, but there are many different places you can go. So my advice to the youth out there who is considering moving abroad: Go for it! Disadvantages: * One of the disadvantages by moving abroad as young is the fact that you don’t get as much safety as you would get growing up in your own country.On some children, this can make a huge impact and even damage to them later in life. * Other cultures may get a bit too exotic, crazy and alien in some ways. You can get shocked; some are able handle it and even learn from it, some people are definitely not. So if you are a bit weak, a bit afraid of the u nknown and other cultures, maybe you should consider it two times before moving abroad. * If you come to another country and don’t know the language, it can be a huge problem. You can’t assimilate and feel as comfortable as in your home country.You don’t get included in the community and you can feel a bit alone at school etc. * Another concern is the money. If your trip goes wrong, something happens, you may be loose a year of school and lots of money. Is it worth taking the risk? * Earlier today, I saw an example of how difficult it could be coming to another country, another culture. The movie â€Å"Bend it like Beckham† by Gruinder Chadha impart this in a beautiful and touching way. And for any of you who haven’t seen it, I’d like to recommend it strongly. Task 2 2BThere are two main historical reasons of why English is the most wide – spoken language today. The first reason is the power of the US – not only in terms of war and economics, but also technology, movies, the internet and science. The other reason is the time where Queen Elisabeth 1st (1558 – 1603) and her England conquered the world. She established a global colonial empire, and introduced English as a world language. English is today the language which by far is the most used as a lingua franca. In more than 60 countries English is the official second language, but that is not the whole truth.The world today is very much based on the internet, and more than 80% of the information stored on computers around the world is in English. Despite the fact that 350 million people use English as their first language today, it is by far not the most spoken first language. However, English today is the most important language in the world because of the simple fact that almost â€Å"everyone† knows a few worlds in English. I can’t stress it enough; English is by far the most important language today. Mandarin is really catching up, but English is still dominant. Mandarin is almost explicit used in China, and not so much as a lingua franca.The biggest factor of why English is as dominant as it is must be the internet. The internet is very much based on English. And the world is based on the internet. I addition to this, it is also used in many other important arenas. My task today is to present to you some of these arenas. * When it comes to business and matters of trade, the English language is really important. By studying English through a respected old school like Cambridge or Oxford, you can expect to be able to easily handle emails, memos, contracts, agreements and other resembling themes.The matter of fact is that when you have an education In English, you are more likely to easy pursue a to a business career. * Probably the greatest advantage of studying English would be in job matters. People who can speak English fluently, In addition to speak their native language are extremely attracted by compa nies of many types, especially the international ones. Courses with at least some quality in it, offer their students the opportunity to improve job prospects, the opportunity to communicate with others as well as the access to information all around the world. Another arena where English can be very useful is when movies or TV-shows. Most of the films made today are made in English, at least the ones from Hollywood. Understanding the plot will be much easier when knowing English. Subtitles in Norwegian or other languages can sometimes cause the meanings of words to be lost in the translation, and they can be a distraction to the action taking place on the screen. In addition to this, movies in other languages are often subtitled by English. * The fourth arena where English very much can be useful is when traveling.Most workers in the tourist line of business know at least a couple words English. From that platform it is much easier to communicate with other people when travelling. * Concerning the education arena, English is not only useful, it is almost necessary to know at bit English. According to the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, there are more than 800 courses taught in English, just at the University of Oslo. There are lots of books in Norwegian. However, in college or university many of the books you have to read are written in English.According to the book â€Å"Gateways† by Eva Ulven and Audun Raugset two thirds of the world scientific findings are published in English. * The last thing I want to mention is that many manuals are written in English. Let`s say that you have bought a new TV for 30  000 dollars from America, and you don’t understand the manual, it will take a lot more effort and time to get your TV working. The world today is very much based around the mass – media, and most of the mass – media is written, spoken or sung in English. Yes, I repeat; sung. One of the main factors influencing us is the music.American rappers dominate the hit- lists today, and if anyone is even close to their dominance it must be the Englishmen. They aren’t just on the hit lists in their own country, but also in foreign countries like Norway. Another factor is that the community of YouTube and the social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are very much based on – and ruled by the English language and culture. Parallel to the growth of the internet, the power and importance of English is increasing every minute. In my eyes, Norway is one of the countries who are the most influenced by the American culture.We have taken lots of different American traditions, and made them ours. For example Halloween and Valentine’s Day are American traditions we are practicing here in Norway. I my opinion, that is really sad. Before kids used to go â€Å"julebukk†, but now a days people just don’t do â€Å"Julebukk† anymore – just because Hallowee n and other American traditions have taken over. American music is also really big in Norway, and artists like Eminem, Wiz Khalifa and Rihanna is what most of the Norwegian youth enjoy listening to. Gaming and internet is big part of our Norwegian community, and both are very much based on English.The two most played videogames in Norway, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and FIFA 13 are both on English, and have to say that I have learned much English from it myself. In Norway, people watch TV-series a lot, and most of them are in English. Most of them with Norwegian subtitles, but again the fact that they even showcase American series show us how important English is in Norway. So my conclusion based on what I have written, thought and read goes like this: English today is by far the most important language in the world, concerning business, travelling, education, culture and much, much more.However, languages like Mandarin and Indian is starting to catch up, just because of the simple ma tter of fact that the Chinese and Indian are increasing rapidly when speaking of population.. On the other hand, English is still increasing, just because of the western pop-culture. All the things I have mentioned – all the things we base our international community are based – and ruled by English. English is the dominant language in the world today, and I think it will be continuing as consistent as it is today at the top for many, many years in the future.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Charlie Fish

The wife did nothing. I would say that he is the protagonist in the story, because he is doing nothing wrong, the only thing he does is to think evil thoughts. The protagonist is usually the â€Å"good† guy in the story and the main character. I wouldn't say he is good, because he have intentions to kill his wife, but in the end it ‘s her who is the antagonist and let him die. D: Typical for the crime genre is that there often is a crime or someone who breaks the law.For example the woman in the story is breaking the law by not helping her husband, and as it says on the last line â€Å"l fall to the floor. My wife Just sits there, watching. † The main character is often a police officer(the good guy) or a criminal(the bad gay), in our story you could say the main character is both. He's a bad guy inside, but â€Å"behave† on the outside. The tension also plays a major role and there is also often plot twist in the crime genre.In the story we as readers had an idea that he non will kill his wife, but in the end it is her who kills him, it's called a plot twist and the tension is built up. I think It's a good story, because the excitement Is built up and It does not end as expected. The author manages to build something up, although the story Is so short. Charlie Fish By Cannonaded â€Å"Death by Scrabble† by Charlie Fish is a story a husband and his wife. It's the hottest angry at his wife, so angry that he would beat his wife to death.He is Just waiting for he right time. The words they put down on the board, begins to happen in reality. When he puts the word â€Å"QUAKE† down, and she thereafter put â€Å"DEATH†, it all starts to shake and the man gets a piece stuck in his throat, which he had hidden in his intentions to kill his wife, but in the end it's her who is the antagonist and let him I think it's a good story, because the excitement is built up and it does not end as expected. The author manages to build something up, although the story is so short.

Friday, November 8, 2019

No Way Out essays

No Way Out essays I was 15 years old and completely in love. Jeff was my first real boyfriend. He was everything I wanted: fun, cute and utterly devoted to me-practically from the moment we met. After our first date, he wanted to be with me all the time. We spent every minute together. I didn't have to worry that he was cheating on me, and he never blew me off for his buddies. While my friends always seemed to have trouble getting time with their boyfriends, I knew I could always count on Jeff. It was great to feel as though he couldn't live without me. I made him my life. We'd go to the movies, study at "our table" in the library, take long walks. He made me feel so special. The more time we spent with each other, the more he wanted to be with me. He started asking me not to go out with my friends so much, saying he felt they encouraged me to party and flirt, and the thought of me so much as speaking to other guys drove him nuts. I thought his jealousy meant he was really in love with me, so I stopped hanging out with my friends as much. Only Kim thought it was weird and called me on it. In fact, most of my other friends envied me. They thought it was cool that my boyfriend was so intense. Jeff and I had been a couple just over a month when the weather started getting nice, and his parents expected him to spend the weekends at the family beach house-about an hour away from where we lived. The time apart only increased Jeff's interest in me. He demanded to know what I was doing when I wasn't with him: where I went, who I went with, who else was there, how long I hung out, what time I got home. Since I thought it was because he missed me, I didn't realize he was turning into a control freak. He would tell me to "be good" whenever he called me. What did he mean by that? Pretty much that I should have no social life without him. He expected me to stay at home and wait for him to call. It upset him if I went to a party or hung out with a group of ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What to Do If You Lose a Scholarship

What to Do If You Lose a Scholarship Although you might have imagined it differently, college life tends to have some rather dramatic ups and downs. Sometimes things go great; sometimes they dont. When you have major, unexpected financial changes during your time in school, for example, the rest of your college experience can be affected. Losing part of your financial aid can, in fact, be a bit of a crisis. Knowing what to do if you lose a scholarship and enacting a plan of action can be critical in making sure that a bad situation doesnt turn into a devastating one. Step 1: Make Sure You Lost It for Legitimate Reasons If your scholarship depending on your being a biology major but youve decided to switch to English, losing your scholarship is probably justified. Not all situations are so clear-cut, however. If your scholarship is contingent on your maintaining a certain GPA, and you believe you have maintained that GPA, make sure that everyone has accurate information before you panic. The people awarding your scholarship may not have received the paperwork they needed in time or your transcript could have an error in it. Losing a scholarship is a big deal. Before you start putting the effort in to remedy your situation, make sure youre really in the situation you think are. Step 2: Figure out How Much Money You No Longer Have Access To You may not be completely clear on how much your scholarship was worth. Say you have a $500 scholarship from a non-profit back in your hometown. Is that $500/year? A semester? A quarter? Get the details on what youve lost so that you can know just how much youll need to replace. Step 3: Make Sure Your Other Monies Aren't Also in Jeopardy If youve lost eligibility for one scholarship because of your academic performance or because youre on disciplinary probation, your other scholarships might be in jeopardy, too. It cant hurt to make sure that the rest of your financial aid is secure, especially before talking to someone in the financial aid office (see the next step). You dont want to have to keep going in for appointments every time you realize something you should have known about already. If youve changed majors, had a bad academic performance, or otherwise had something happen (or have done something) that can negatively affect your financial aid and scholarships, make sure youre clear on the entire picture. Step 4: Make an Appointment With the Financial Aid Office You wont have a clear picture of how losing your scholarship has an impact on your financial aid package unless you meet with a financial aid staff member and go over the details. Its okay to not know what will happen during the meeting, but you should be prepared to know why you lost the scholarship, how much it was worth, and how much youll need to replace it. Your financial aid officer can help you identify additional resources as well as possibly revise your overall package. Be ready to explain why you are no longer eligible for the scholarship money and what you plan on doing to try to make the deficit up. And be open to any and all suggestions the financial aid staff has for helping you make that happen. Step Five: Hustle Although it can happen, its unlikely that the money will magically be fully replaced by your financial aid office which means that its up to you to find other sources. Ask your financial aid office about scholarship resources they recommend, and get to work. Look online; look in your hometown community; look on campus; look in your religious, political, and other communities; look anywhere you need to. Although it seems like a lot of work to find a replacement scholarship, whatever effort you put forth now will definitely be less work than it will take for you to drop out of college and try to return at a later date. Prioritize yourself and your education. Put your smart brain to work and do everything and anything you need to in an effort to invest in yourself and your degree. Will it be hard? Yes. But it and you are worth it.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business Accounts and Users of Financial Statements Research Paper

Business Accounts and Users of Financial Statements - Research Paper Example This paper tells that each of the users  of financial statements has different needs and interest in financial information. First, investors require financial information to assist in making investment decisions. Before putting their resources for investment purposes, investors have to evaluate the performance of firms to establish whether the businesses can enable them to earn their required rate of return (Fess & Warren 1993). This would help them make an investment decision and determine what amount to invest in a firm. Shareholders are also interested in the financial performance of the firm as it determines the dividends they will receive and the worth of their investment. Firms with good financial performance well will have good share prices and shareholders will need this financial information to determine whether to sell their shares or buy more shares (Nikolai, Bazley, & Jones 2009). Lenders are the second users of financial information. Lenders are either individuals or f inancial institutions that offer loans to firms that are need of funds. Before making their lending decision in terms of whether to lend and what amount to give to firms. They have to look at the financial performance to determine the risk of their money. The lenders will be interested in the performance of the firm within the duration of their loan (Fess & Warren 1993). In addition, the employees and their unions are also interested parties of a firm’s financial statement. Employees put their efforts in ensuring that the firm achieves their objectives and therefore need feedback on their performance. They also require the financial statements as a basis for bargaining for their increment in remuneration and other benefits like retirement.  The employees also need financial information to help in the formulation of new strategies that are meant for improving the performance of the organization. Financial information as well is needed by the employees to determine the organi zation continued existence for job security purposes. Creditors and suppliers are also interested in the financial information to determine the ability of the business to pay their owing debt as they fall due. This group is interested in the short term liquidity of the business rather than the long term performance (Deloitte 2011). Firms with good financial performance will have reliable creditors. Moreover, customers are also interested in the financial performance of the business in cases where they are interested in long term relationship with the business. Customers who depend solely on the business for their products will need to require surety of the business continued existence. Notwithstanding, the government authorities be it federal or state need the financial information for regulatory purposes. The security exchange authority will need financial information to determine the policies and to determine the national income of the country (Deloitte 2011). They also require fi nancial performance as a way of determining the soundness of the capital markets. The public may also be interested in the financial performance especially to businesses that affect the general public good. The public closely monitors businesses that are major employers or contribute substantially to the economy (Kravitz 1999).  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Service Journals Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Service Journals - Assignment Example In 2012, the company was listed 3rd by Forbes among 10 world’s most innovative companies. This is an indication of good quality services, which is an aspect associated with innovativeness. The rating also reflects consumer satisfaction as it is based on customer feedback data among other parameters. Barnes & Noble Inc. is the major competitor with 1,300 book stores in the US and also sells products online. However, I did not choose the company because the company experienced losses recently in its digital business, which does not give a customer the desired motivation and confidence to engage in Barnes & Noble’s online business ( I expected to download the journals in my computer immediately after making the payment. I also expected to get the correct copies as I had ordered without any missing pages. There was a 25% discount for every third item purchased by the same customer and therefore I anticipated the discount on three journals. Overall, I expected the best service due to the fact that I was purchasing 10 items at once. 4a) Look at the advertisements and web pages (all promotions you can find) for this service. Describe them. Are they targeting the correct markets? How do these ads and promotions impact your expectations for the service? Do they overpromise? How would you change them? (make recommendations—don’t say â€Å"I’d leave them the same†) advertises products in a strategic manner that attracts customers’ attention. For every journal, there was a review of the contents and a background of the authors. This information was helpful in making a purchase decision since it highlighted what to expect and therefore I carefully chose those with the required information thereby avoiding unnecessary costs. The advertisements are targeted at a variety of market segments. Customers visiting the company’s website have the freedom to