Saturday, August 31, 2019

Market Orientation Benefit an Organization Essay

Definition of Market Orientation : A business approach or philosophy that focuses on identifying and meeting the stated or hidden needs or wants of customers. See also product orientation and sales orientation. ‘Market orientation†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ perspectives include the decision-making perspective, market intelligence perspective, culturally based behavioral perspective, strategic perspective. Developing a Market Orientation: An Organizational Strategy Perspective. International Journal of Research in Marketing, and customer orientation perspective. Corporate culture, customer orientation, According to them, the marketing concept is a business philosophy, whereas the term market orientation refers to the actual implementation of the marketing concept. They added that â€Å"a market orientation appears to provide a unifying focus for the efforts and projects of individuals and departments within the organization.† On the other hand, the market orientation as ‘the organization culture that most effectively and efficient creates the necessary behaviours for the creation of superior value for buyers and, thus, continuous superior performance for the business. As such, they consider market orientation as an organisational culture consisting of three behavioral components, namely, i) customer orientation, ii) competitor orientation and iii) interfunctional coordination. Product Orientation : A business approach or philosophy in which whatever a company makes or supplies is the focus of the management’s attention. See also market orientation and sales orientation. Customer Orientation : 1. General: A party that receives or consumes products (goods or services) and has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers. See also buyer. 2. Quality control: Entity within a firm who establishes the requirement of a process (accounting, for example) and receives the output of that process (a financial statement, for example) from one or more internal or external suppliers. An organization’s strategy that combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from market research and focus on the right product mix in order to achieve the maximum profit potential and sustain the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan 1. General: A motivating force that compels action for its satisfaction. Needs range from basic survival needs (common to all human beings) satisfied by necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place and age group to age group) satisfied by necessaries. Needs are finite but, in contrast, wants (which spring from desires or wishes) are boundless. See also Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. 2. Marketing: A driver of human action which marketers try to identify, emphasize, and satisfy, and around which promotional efforts are organized. Sales Orientation : A business approach or philosophy that focuses on promoting sales of whatever a company makes or supplies, through marketing and sales calls. See also market orientation and product orientation.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Butterfly corp Essay

1. Prioritizing the issues that Butterfly needs to deal with are, that in Puerto Rico suppliers mistreat their workers, retailers in some countries were diluting the products and selling them as full strength, some plant employees were suffering pay cuts while others were not. Employees that have worked at Butterfly for many years were having their hours cut to 36-hour workweeks, losing their full-time benefits. There are also political alliances being formed among marketing, finance, manufacturing, and corporate headquarters. Each plant operates as an independent profit-making entity. Butterfly’s workers tended to be women; children were being left to fend for themselves. In some Latin American countries, husbands were angry because their wives earned more than they did, corporate people at Butterfly are mostly men. I think implementing an ethics program can address these issues by showing all suppliers, employees, even the corporate heads that this company stands for what is right, and they want to bring the company back to core values and good ethics. I believe for the most part all these issues that Butterfly is suffering are all ethical issues. If everyone in the company, even foreign companies, know that there will be a new ethics committee and that every company will be expected to follow this set of ethical guidelines, will help get this company back on track. Either the companies will follow the new set of ethical guidelines or be penalized, or they may want to close down. Unfortunately, it is more difficult to control foreign companies because our ethics in the United States are completely different. 2. I think that the new ethics committee should have a wide array of people. I think it should have a representative from each continent that has a Butterfly, both men and woman with different areas of expertise. I think the committee’s first steps toward implementing an effective ethics program should be to communicate these new ethical standards. Explain why they are needed and how the company will implement them. Then put a high-level employee in to oversee all aspects of the new ethics program. All companies need to educate and train all employees about the new program. The new ethics program needs to be monitored and there needs to be reporting of all aspects, if something is found, there needs to be proper discipline. I think that there needs to be a way for all employees to respond to any changes being made and let supervisors know. 3. Yes, I believe that the new ethics committee should commission an ethics audit. How would they know if  all the companies are conforming to the new ethical program without doing an audit? This will also show them if the others can conform to new ethical standards and if more discipline needs to be implemented. Should the new ethics committee commission an ethics audit? If yes, when should the audit be conducted? If no, why not

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Long Way Gone Study Guide Essay

1.What does Ishmael say the war is about? Ishmael says nothing about the causes of the war, or what each side was fighting for, or of the overall political and social conditions in Sierra Leone that caused the war. This was a deliberate strategy on the part of Beah, the author. He wanted to present the war through the eyes of a child. As a boy of twelve, when the war first affected him, he had no interest in politics. He had no reason to be interested—his main interest, understandably for a boy of his age, was in singing and dancing to rap music and hanging out with his friends. When the war comes to him, it is for him a battle for personal survival, not a political cause. He is also fueled by feelings of revenge—instilled into him by his army officers—against the rebels because they killed his family. Once again, these are personal feelings not political beliefs. For the reader, then, transported to a land he or she knows nothing about (for the American reader, that is), the war seems not only almost un imaginably brutal but also meaningless. It consists of one side mindlessly killing the other, and vice versa, in skirmishes in small villages. Ishmael does report Lieutenant Jabati’s speeches to his men, in which he says they are defending their country (â€Å"We kill them [the rebels] for the good and betterment of this country† [p. 123]), but such appeals to patriotism are not what inspire Ishmael. Ishmael’s ignorance of politics is again stressed when he is in Freetown during his rehabilitation and sees a convoy of cars and military vans. He is told that the new president, Tejan Kabbah, who had won an election eight months earlier is passing by. â€Å"I had never heard of this man,† Ishmael writes pointedly. This confirms the tenor of the book as a whole: Ishmael is a boy caught up in a war he knows nothing about for a cause he does not care about. 2.Why was the war fought and what course did it take? During the 1980s Sierra Leone was a one-party state governed by the All-People’s Congress (APC) party. However, this period was marked by extensive government corruption and abuse of power. Although Sierra Leone is rich in natural resources it became one of the poorest countries in the world because of mismanagement. The civil war in neighboring Liberia helped to create conditions for war in Sierra Leone because a Liberian war leader reportedly sponsored the rebel group called the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) as a way of destabilizing Sierra Leone, which at the time was a base for a United Nations peacekeeping force. The war broke out in 1991 in villages in eastern Sierra Leone that were near the Liberian border. The aim of the RUF was to seize and control the diamond sector, and in 1991 it took control of the diamond mines in the Kono district. (It is the mining area around Ishmael’s home town of Mogbwemo that the rebels seize in 1993.) In 1992 a military coup took place that established the National Provisional Ruling Council, replacing the civilian government. However, the new military government was powerless to prevent the RUF from controlling much of the country. It was the years immediately after this, from 1993 to January 1996, that Ishmael was a soldier. The war continued after Ishmael was rescued from it, as he himself found out when he went to stay with his uncle in Freetown after his rehabilitation. There had been an election in April 1996, and a civilian government had taken power, but in May 1997 there was another military coup, and the new military government known as the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) invited the RUF to participate in it. The following year, when Beah was safely in the United States, the military government was ousted and the civilian government restored. But this did not stop the violence as the AFRC and its RUF allies fought to regain power. Fighting returned to Freetown in 1999, before a peace accord was signed in July 1999. But this did not last, and the war dragged on, finally ending in January 2002, with the civilian government in charge. According to the CIA’s World Factbook, the civil war resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the displacement of more than two million people—about one-third of the population of Sierra Leone. 3.What is the situation in Sierra Leone today? According to the CIA’s World Factbook, Sierra Leone is gradually returning to a fully democratic government following the ravages of the civil war. There was a general election in 2007 that led to one civilian government being peacefully replaced by another. The nation has also tried to come to terms with the recent past. In 2002 the government set up a Special Court to try those responsible for war crimes during the civil war. It also set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The Special Court indicted many of those held responsible for the atrocities. Some died before they could be tried, but in June 2007, the Special Court found three men guilty of war crimes, including not only murder, terrorism, and enslavement but also the act of conscripting or enlisting children under fifteen into the armed forces. As refugees from the war are slowly returning from neighboring countries, the Sierra Leone government is trying to create jobs and end political corruption. Revenues from diamond mining have increased significantly since the end of the war. Diamonds account for about half of Sierra Leone’s exports. However, Sierra Leone, with a population estimated in 2009 as 5,132,138, remains an extremely poor country with wide disparities in how wealth is distributed. According to the World Factbook, â€Å"The fate of the economy depends upon the maintenance of domestic peace and the continued receipt of substantial aid from abroad.† 4.How widespread is the use of child soldiers? It would be comforting to think that the forced conscription of children into the armed forces during the war in Sierra Leone was an aberration, not something that can happen again in the modern world. However, that is not the case. Even in the twenty-first century, the use of child soldiers is common in armed conflicts around the world. According to Human Rights watch, an international nongovernmental organization, as of 2007, there were an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 children fighting in various wars. According to a Global Report published in 2008 by the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, at the end of 2007 children were used as soldiers in seventeen armed conflicts around the globe. The coalition noted that this was down from twenty-seven conflicts in 2004, but the downturn was more because the conflicts had ended than because child soldiers were no longer being recruited. The Global Report identified the following countries where children were recruited for paramilitaries, militias, civilian defense forces or armed groups linked to or supported by governments: Chad, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Iran, Ivory Coast, Libya, Myanmar, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Uganda. The most flagrant offender, according to the Global Report, is Myanmar, where the government uses thousands of children in its battle against rebel groups. In Uganda, tens of thousands of children have been forced into joining armies over a period of nearly twenty-five years. In some of these countries, including Uganda, girls as well as boys have been forced to become soldiers. There have in recent years been concerted international efforts to end the use of child soldiers. Sierra Leone, which has tried and convicted men responsible for recruiting child soldiers, has become a leader in this issue. The use of child soldiers has now been prohibited by international law. The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict has been ratified by 120 states. The UN Security Council has adopted resolutions calling for the establishment of a monitoring mechanism on children and armed conflict. However, these and other prohibitions are no guarantee that when new conflicts break out, child soldiers will not be recruited. 5.Is Beah’s story factually accurate? A Long Way Gone achieved popular and critical success, but questions have been raised by some regarding the factual accuracy of a number of events Beah recounts in the book. Beah writes that his village was attacked in January 1993 and after that he became a refugee from the war. Critics claim that there are school records showing that Beah was in school later than this date, and that the village was attacked in 1995, not 1993. This would mean that Beah would actually have been recruited at the age of fifteen, not thirteen as he writes in the book. This would have meant that he was only a child soldier for a few months, rather than over two years. Some critics point to the structure of the book to confirm this. They point out that most of the book deals with Beah’s wanderings as a refugee and the months he spent in rehabilitation. Only two chapters (13 and 14) cover his actual experiences as a soldier (although he does present more incidents from his military service at various points in flashbacks). Questions have also been raised about the account Beah gives of the fight between the former boy soldiers at the rehabilitation home, in which several boys were killed. There are no independent reports of such a fight ever taking place. Some believe that Beah used others’ experiences as his own and that he embellished his tale. They point to his interest in creative writing at Oberlin College and the fact that his adoptive mother was a storyteller. The suggestion is that Beah was encouraged by those around him to tell a more vivid story. Others have more charitably suggested that Beah simply got his dates mixed up, and his memory may have been unreliable because on his own admission he was high on drugs most of the time he was in military service. Beah has vehemently denied that he invented anything, however. In an article published in Publishers Weekly in 2008, Beah wrote, â€Å"Sad to say, my story is all true.†

Reasearch paper about Tooth Morphology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reasearch paper about Tooth Morphology - Essay Example Moreover, tooth morphology is facilitated by the oral cavity, which holds the teeth together in the mouth. Tooth morphology also incorporates two main dentition types, which include deciduous and permanent dentitions (Scott et al. 3-5). These dentitions have different types of teeth where deciduous dentition has three main types that incorporate incisors, canines, and molars while permanent dentition has four type that include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. To comprehend tooth morphology, it is crucial for one to understand the nomenclature first, which is a naming system that is often used to describe or even classify material in the subject of dental anatomy. There are several tooth-numbering systems that include FYI system, universal system, Zsigmondy-Palmer Notation, and Dane or the Hederup system. With regard to structure, each tooth has both root and crown portions where the crown is usually covered with enamel while the root is covered by cementum (Koppe et al. 36-3 8). These two parts, crown and root, join at an area known as the cement enamel junction. The crown portion of the tooth comprises of three layers that include dentin, pulp, and enamel. Koppe, Thomas, G. Meyer, and Kurt W. Alt. Comparative Dental Morphology: Selected Papers of the 14th International Symposium on Dental Morphology, August 27-30, 2008, Greifswald, Germany. Basel Switzerland: Karger, 2009.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Automotive Industry Analysis According to Porter's Research Paper

Automotive Industry Analysis According to Porter's - Research Paper Example This factor therefore forces existing firms to compete to gain more market share in major and minor niche product markets. The overall intensity of the rivalry among firms is therefore on the higher side. (â€Å" Automotive Manufacturing in the United States† 20) Relative Power of other stakeholders- High Rating Automotive industry is an industry which is based upon different stakeholders such as manufacturers, dealers, banks and financial institutions as well as government. The linkages between the stakeholders therefore are relatively complex and problems with one stakeholder can really see significant impact on the automotive manufacturing firms. During recent economic downturns, automotive sector was hit hardly due to credit crunch. The involvement of government was on the higher side too as US and other governments made equity participation to help automotive manufacturing firms to survive. Environmental groups are also significant stakeholders and their relative power ma y bring fundamental shifts in the industry due to threats posed by carbon emission to the environment. Overall government regulations are stringent and need to be complied with. ("General Motors Corporation Company Profile.† 30) Threat of New Entrants- Moderate Rating New entrants are firms willing to enter into the industry to take advantage of available business opportunities. The overall market size of the Automotive manufacturing market in US is over $200 billion as per estimates made in 2010. Such large market size therefore makes this industry one of the lucrative opportunities for new entrants despite the fact that cost of entry and other entry barriers are high. Typically, automotive sector requires high capital expenditure along with a well developed network of dealers and financial institutions however; those firms which are already established in other markets may find US market a relatively lucrative market. (â€Å"Automotive Manufacturing in the United Statesâ₠¬  18). This factor therefore may seems to be a high rating factor considering the fact that firms like GM are increasingly facing product recalls due to production and design faults. Established brands at international level like Toyota, Mercedes, and Volkswagen may get good brand recognition due to their international repute and presence. Threats of Substitutes- Moderate Rating Substitutes are the alternatives available to the consumers to use in lieu of current product under use. One of the key threats is the increasing use of public transports by the passengers due to higher cost of maintaining the vehicles. The increasing costs associated with gasoline, taxes, carbon emission therefore may restrict the ability of average household income holders to go for new cars. (â€Å" Automotive Manufacturing in the United States† 19) Used cars are another substitute available to the consumers especially due to overall uncertainty prevailing into major markets. It has been suggeste d that overall consumer confidence is at lower levels and consumers do not prefer to make bigger purchases. This threat however may be of moderate nature as factors like brand loyalty and high switching cost may restrict buyers to go for substitutes. Supplier Power- Moderate Suppliers provide essential raw materials to firms to manufacture finished goods. The overall materials used in the production of automotives are diverse in nature

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Three Strikes Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Three Strikes Law - Research Paper Example In recent years, the increased population of the US has been accompanied with a growing number of crime rates. Consequently, the Three Strikes Law was enacted to limit the scope of crime and offenders in various stated of the US. Washington and California were the initial states in the US to adopt Three Strikes Law in 1993 and 1994, respectively. Since its implementation, the law has been majorly influencing the prison population. During the first decade, after the enforcement of law, more than 80,000 second strikers and about 75,000 third strikers were sent to state prisons (Three Strikes Information, 2005). It has significantly helped the state and federal governments to reduce the number of violent crimes, subsequently enhancing the role and performance of justice system practiced in the US. It is worth mentioning in this regard that the law applies for three repeated convictions and not the three repeated crimes. In this context, the Three Strikes Law is also applicable to those convicts who have committed different crimes in repeated instances. However, it should be noted in this context that the crimes must be subjected to the category of felony in accordance to the jurisdiction practiced within the nation. Accordingly, the law requires minimum of 25 years of imprisonment or life imprisonment for those offenders who have been convicted for at least three repeated instances because of committing the felony. Despite, the effectiveness of the law many people have criticized and stated the law as an unusual and cruel way of punishment.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Positioning Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Positioning - Term Paper Example Thus, it can be said that positioning is the way to stimulate customers’ awareness regarding a brand and place a rich, exclusive, and beneficial insight for the brand in the mind of people (Oxford University Press, 2011). Why Organizations Opt for Market Positioning A successful organization must be aligned closely with the target customer segments in the existing markets as well as in the emerging markets. Organizations which can forecast the market tendencies and form positioning strategies accordingly possess the best prospect for long-term success. The prime reason for an organization to call for market positioning is to achieve competitive advantage by creating a favorable base of rivalry. Through positioning organizations can encourage customers’ awareness and belief regarding a brand and make a clear understanding about the benefits and worth they will get for purchasing the brand. Thus, companies can create competitive advantage over the competitors through effe ctive implications of positioning strategies (Njuguna, 2009). The other reason for market positioning is that, it can help to differentiate the product by communicating some unique benefits over the similar products served by competitors. Thus, other competitors and people will view the product as innovative assisting the organization to express itself as unique and dissimilar from other organizations. Subsequently, the organization shall attain higher competitive advantages through brand recognition. Therefore, the objective to attain competitive advantages over the rivals can be termed as one of the major and core reasons for organizations to implement this strategic alliance (Sengupta, 2005). Successful Market Positioning Market positioning denotes how customers consider a product and its contribution in contrast to other products. For making a successful positioning there is need to recognize the way for changing customers’ awareness through improving, strengthening, or p rotecting the position of organization in the market. Market positioning must be addressed appropriately because it is the only method to stabilize the misconception produced by ineffective communication channels. A complete message given in right time and in right place is a beneficial way for successful positioning of an organization (Perreault & McCarthy, 2006). Positioning in organization begins with product. Positioning becomes much vital when two or more brands in market look similar to each other. For instance, several customers believe that there is little difference in the LED television models of different brands. While, Sony wants to generate awareness in the mind of customers to consider that their LED television provide clear, lively and detail picture compared to other brands by their unique ‘X-Reality pro Engine’ (Sony Electronics Inc, 2011). On the other hand, Samsung wants to position their LED televisions with the features of innovative picture quality , consumer of lesser electricity and equipped with internet connectivity features by their unique ‘Backlight Technology’ and higher processor speed (Samsung, 2011). Communication ensures to create a positive image about a brand in customers’ mind. Positioning must be combined with the activities of market segmentation because it lets for more laborious tactic which

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Ring of Gyges Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Ring of Gyges - Assignment Example His argument presents a counter-attack to Glaucon’s philosophy purporting that if two identical rings are presented to a just and unjust man, they would both act unjustly. Therefore, proceeds to argue that those who incline their actions to just only do so under compulsion. He also says that one may decline using the ring to perform misdeeds. Meaning that although such a person would receive praises on her face but on the other side she would be regarded a great fool who is unable to utilize the power in her possession. Socrates states that one does not derive justice from the social construct. That’s why his argument tallies that the man who abused the power contained in the ring enslaved himself to his selfish appetites. But hold that the man who chooses not to use the ring remains rationally in total control of himself and thus he is very happy. Therefore, Socrates suggests that the man who uses the ring is always in a constant war with himself ( Copp, 2007).   Socrates is in a strong belief that the soul consists of three parts. These parts include; rational, appetitive and Spirited. He continues to argue that an appetite for something exists like hunger and thirst. He says that we always have some knowledge concerning the demands that are driving us to satisfy the appetite. Therefore, he poses to think, supposing something holds the thirsty person from drinking, what could it be termed to be? This analogy is used to describe the three parts of the soul. The rational part is that which is concerned with the calculation thus goes ahead to examine the existing appetites in relation to the expected consequences. He suggests that the part linked to hunger, lusts, thirsts and which is tickled by all forms of appetites is the irrational appetitive part.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ideas Critique on Ian Watt's The Rise of the Novel Assignment

Ideas Critique on Ian Watt's The Rise of the Novel - Assignment Example Firstly, Watt investigates the characteristics of the novel and the realism; he argues that realism tries to show several sides of human experience related to the external world. Watt explains Descartes point of view of the realism by defining the truth as an individual matter, which makes novel reflect individualism and innovation compared to previous literary works. Secondly, according to Watt there are no traditional plots in novels; Richardson and Defoe were the first writers to ignore a plot based on mythology or history for example, which at that time was different from authors with traditional plots such as Shakespeare or Milton. Furthermore, he describes the importance of the description in the narrative; in order to make the novel realistic as possible; the author needs to be capable of accomplishing a concrete demonstration of characterization, present a cohesive background and to be attentive to the individualization of the characters. Thirdly, he explains that before the realism, names were used in a non- particular way, and the novel establishes names as common names that can also indicate information about a character. He also argues about the role of the time, space, and place to individualize each character; how they create a cohesive structure to a plot, also the correlation between representation and reality. Finally, Watt explains the semantic role of the narrative, how the prose style gives a completely authenticity to the realistic novel. This piece of writing by Watt is quite illuminating in the sense that it records the development of novel as a separate entity from earlier prose that did not center on individualism. Rather they provided an objective view of the situation. The presentation and ideas of Watt offer a deep understanding of how the novel emerged and how the attitudes and society were changing to give birth to a new literary form- the novel. However, the ideas presented by Watt are just an initial study of how the novel develo ped since Watt does not include certain aspects of the development of novel or rather he misjudges the chronology of events. In my opinion, the presentation developed by Watt takes into account a myriad of changes occurring in the society. Watt takes into account the changing attitude of the people which was more attuned to realism and changed from a God centric view to a human centric view. Along with this, Watt also discusses how the printing press and changing London society supported the rise of novels. What makes Watt’s work authentic is the fact that Watt backs up his claims by repeatedly consulting with three different authors- Richardson, Fielding and Defoe. He not just refers to their writings but also the evaluation of their writings. He focuses more on Richardson, given that Richardson was among the pioneers of the novels and it was his novel that later inspired other novels developed not just during that time but also quite later on. According to Watt, a literary piece of writing cannot exist without taking into account the cultural and intellectual factors that shape the society when a particular piece is produced. The novel in this case, falls into the same dimensions. The rise of novel occurred when the society in England was changing towards realism, that is, it was becoming more individualistic. Gone were the days when the characters in the piece were presented for the benefit of the audience. For instance, in plays the character obscured into the unknown when they were not present on the stage or in a particular scene (Watt, 442). However, in a novel, the readers become

Friday, August 23, 2019

Biography of Silvius Leopold Weiss Research Paper

Biography of Silvius Leopold Weiss - Research Paper Example The lute resembles a guitar and was the most important instrument during the Renaissance Period. Sylvius Leopold Weiss was also a very prolific composer of lute music, having composed around 600 pieces for lute in the form of sonatas or suites. In addition, he also made chamber music and concerto pieces. Even his own contemporaries considered him to be the best lutenist as he could play on the lute with relative ease many difficult harmonic modulations and for this alone, he is considered as a musical virtuoso (Lenneberg 55). In his heyday, he was in great demand among the royal courts of Europe and traveled to various regions to play his famous brand of chamber music to the delight of his audiences. For his musical talent, he was a favorite companion of members of the Bohemian aristocracy. His early compositions were intended as solo performances using the eleven-course lute but in later years, he preferred the thirteen-course lute. Many of those who had heard him perform attest that he is without equal and for this alone, he was the highest-paid instrumentalist in the city of Dresden during the height of his fame and popularity (Carlton para. 12).He engaged the great Johann Sebastian Bach, who was very famous being a harpsichordist and organist, in a friendly competition once and both were great musicians during their era (Geck

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Introduction To Surface Tension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction To Surface Tension - Essay Example This is a new way of teaching which involves the use of screen casting and video podcasting. It's an instruction strategy to help build increased interaction with students during face to face class time. The method promotes the team and active learning since one has to attend the classroom and to ask a question at the end as a proof that he actually watched the video. Monetary policy system is the action taken by the currency bodies to determine the size and the growth rates of money supply which in turn affects the interest rates. It is affected by changing the bank reserves and by increasing the interest rates when the rates are manipulated. It is used to control the economy as in the case of the USA since it can cause inflation if the money supply to the economy is very high( Also when the growth of the money supply is very slow then the economy also slows down. It also has the effect on the exchange rates difference currency as in the dollar. For example, when the d emand for BMW cars increases then its demand in other countries and for this reason stimulus in one country equals to the stimulus in another country because the company will open another branch and employ more people.This can be well enlightened by the Hamada model which is used to define the effects of financial influence on a firm as quantified by the Hamada coefficient. The tax shield increases the value of the levered firm. Financial distress costs and agency costs lower the value of the levered firm.

Network Management System Essay Example for Free

Network Management System Essay A Network Management System is a combination of software and hardware which is used for monitoring and effective administration of a network. For any network which requires management of number of network tasks to be integrated in a single software solution, there is a need of effective and efficient planning. It is the task of the network management system to locate network support, keep a check on the activities and health of the network devices attached and provides exceptional handling mechanism in order to alert the administrator in cases of conditions which can hinder the performance of the network(Laudon Laudon,2007). NMS systems use many different kinds of protocols in accordance their usage for example one of the commonly used is SNMP protocol which allows the gathering of information to be simplified for the administrator and users over the network from the devices attached in accordance to the network hierarchy. The NMS software are responsible for problem identification along with the exact source of the problem and provide effective solutions in order to prevent the problem from effecting the performance of the network. The NMS are also responsible for collecting the device data and numbers in terms of statistics to keep a log of the performance of the network. This usually includes a library of protocols which help the administrator in the management of the network through the Network Management System software. For to make sure there is a streamlined management of the network, every network is assigned a network manager. The network manager is responsible for monitoring the activities, methods which help the network running which includes the procedures which are usually defined for every specific network and lastly, the use of tools which the network administrator/manager is well equipped with in order to control monitor and use in terms of exceptional handling over the network. The operation of the network manager is to deal with keeping the network up and running smoothly. This includes the task of finding out any problem and rectifying it in time to make sure all systems over the particular network are not affected by the downtime of the network. Maintenance of the network involves proper measures and preventive procedures and measures for the network to be running smoothly such as the task of adjusting device configuration parameters for systems on the network(Laudon Laudon,2007). A management information base (MIB) is defined as a virtual database which is used for management of the network activities over a communication network. They are often related with the SNMP protocol commonly known as Simple Network Management Protocol. it is commonly used to pass on to a meticulous subset, more appropriately referred to as MIB-module. Items in the MIB are distinct by means of a subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1) also known as Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2) RFC 2578 which performs the parsing for the MIB compiler on the network. The Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) for MIB was developed to sustain supervision and protocol scrutiny of the local area network. The unique versions centers on OSI Layer 1 and Layer 2 in sequence in Ethernet and Token Ring system. It is unmitigated by RMON2 which appends maintenance for the Network Layer and Application Layer monitoring and by SMON which has added support for switched networks. Probing helps the system to examine and evaluate the network consistently and thus, helps the network manager to keep the network agents in check and up and running. â€Å"The following diagram shows a reference architecture that Cisco Systems believes should be the minimal solution for managing a data network. This architecture includes a Cisco CallManager server for those who plan to manage Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): The diagram shows how you would integrate the CallManager server into the NMS topology. † (CISCO, 2010). References: CISCO. (2010). NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: BEST PRACTICES WHITE PAPER . Retrieved July 13,2010 from http://www. cisco. com/en/US/tech/tk869/tk769/technologies_white_paper09186a00800aea9c. shtml Laudon Laudon, K C. , (2007), Management Information Systems. Pearson Education India

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The four factors

The four factors Track 11 The four factors that influence natural selection are genetic variation, overproduction of offspring, struggle for existence, differential survival and reproduction. Natural selection says that the organism most fit for living in its environment, will be most likely to survive and reproduce passing on those good traits to their offspring. Eventually, there will only be organisms that have those good traits. People with one sickle cell gene will survive the disease and grow up to reproduce children with the gene. Just one person had the original mutation and that has caused most of Africa to now have that gene because that gene makes them more fit to survive in their environment. 3. 1. Data Table 2. Explain how the color of moths increases or decreases their chances of survival depending on the environment. In a sooty forest, the darker moths blended in more and were harder to spot by predators which gave them a higher chance of survival. In the lichen forest, the lighter moths blended in more giving them a higher chance of survival. 500 light colored moths and 500 dark colored moths are released into a polluted forest. After 2 days the moths were recaptured, make a prediction about the number of each type of moth that would be captured. About 7% of the dark moths will be captured and about 93% of the light moths will be captured. How has the striking change in coloration come about? (Include an explanation of how the dark moth appeared and how the proportion of dark moths changed from 0.0005% to more than 90% in polluted forests.) The dark coloration was an accidental genetic mutation but in that environment, it was more fit to survive so over time, there were much more dark colored moths. What underlying law of nature has produced this change? (Use Darwins theory of evolution and apply it to what you have learned in this investigation.) Natural selection produced this change. Fitness is not necessarily the fastest or the strongest, it is the best suited for the particular environment. In that sense, survival of the fittest is an accurate statement. The brown beetle may not be faster or stronger than the green beetle but it produces more offspring and in this case, that makes it more fit. If the green beetles tasted bad to predators then eventually, there would be no brown beetles left because the green beetles would have an advantage. They would be more fit for their environment which would give individual green beetles a better chance of surviving and reproducing than individual brown beetles. When a group of bacteria is attacked by an antibiotic, there may be an individual bacteria that has a genetic mutation allowing it to survive the attack. Since that individual survives, it can divide and all of its offspring will have that same genetic mutation. Eventually all of the bacteria will be immune to the antibiotic. Microevolution happens on a small scale with individual populations. Macroevolution happens on a large scale creating many different species from one original. Organisms that reproduce through asexual means create offspring that have exact copies of their own DNA. Their offspring are perfect clones of the mothers. Sexual reproduction is time consuming, and mothers only get to contribute half of their genes. This makes asexual reproduction look better but in reality it isnt. Asexually reproducing species stopped evolving when they became asexual because there is no genetic mutation or variation (offspring are clones of parents). This leaves them susceptible to things like diseases. Since they cant evolve, their species cant become immune to diseases, which causes their species to become extinct.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Aids and its History :: Free AIDS Essays

For the fast several years an AIDS vaccine has been the key focus in AIDS research. While the government sees the vaccine as a termination to the disease, but a portion of the public along with many renowned scientists from around the world would argue against a vaccine. The United Nations and the US military have threatened to administer a mandatory vaccine to children at the age of 12 and all military employees. Reports predict a massive resistance to a mandatory AIDS vaccine in the US. (www.newsmax.shtml) The Committtee to Protect Medical Freedom warned that the vaccine would infact put more people at risk of contracting the deadly disease. AIDS is not like polio or smallpox, which can occur randomly without any warning; the public already knows how to avoid this disease.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Coverage of ‘promising’ vaccines is extremely misleading, and those being tested so far appear harmful and dangerous. ( Even with the disparencies surrounding these vaccines, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases is sponsoring an HIV vaccine test on babies born to HIV-infected mothers. The program has admitted that a small percentage of their trial applicants have indeed become infected, but now have access to the best medical care available. The available data on such vaccines gives no basis for testing on humans. Scientists and Government officials have been debating on this issue for many years now. However, the divergence of AIDS and HIV has a long and tedious history full of twists and turns and dead end roads.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Little to nothing was known about AIDS when it first erupted in the late 1970s. When the epidemic finally reached noticeable proportions in the early 1980s, numerous hypotheses emerged. â€Å"Theories attempting to explain the origin of the disease ranged from the comic to the bizarre: a deadly germ escaped from a CIA laboratory: God sent the plague down to punish homosexuals and drug addicts: it came from outer space, riding on the tail of a comet.† ( Though some of the theories were outlandish, a few hold ample evidence. Among the theories dismissed and rejected by the government were those of covert human medical experimentation and primate viruses. The government ignored all the dangerous viral creations that were genetically altered for cancer research, vaccine research, and secret biological warfare. ( There are claims that the polio vaccine given to Africans in the late 1950s was prepared using chimp kidney cel ls that were contaminated with the ancestor virus of HIV.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Langston Hughes :: Biography Biographies

Langston hughes and his significance as a black american and as a poet Langston Hughes was famous for his poetry, which helped to fuel the civil rights movement. His poetry also earned him fame but he still seemed to remain financially disabled. He didn't get much recognition for his poetry until after he died. Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri into an abolitionist family. Hughes hated his father and he was passed around between his different family members and family friend. Hughes began writing poetry in the seventh grade and when he graduated he was selected as the Class Poet. His father did not believe that he could make a living out of being a writer but he paid his tuition to college so his son could be an engineer. Langston continued to write poetry however and he dropped out of college with a B+ average. His significance was shown when he became one of the leaders of a movement, called the Harlem Renaissance. It spawned a whole new age of thinking and development. He helped prove to people that he and his fellow Negroes were part of America and her spirit. His poems "I, Too" and "Dinner Guest: Me" talk of how he and his people are this spirit. Hughes Black American roots and his sense of racial equality was what fueled most, if not all, of his poems. Growing up when Black Americans had no rights and had separate everything's was difficult for any black man living then. But he turned his feelings into beautiful poetry. Hughes poetry helped a lot of people out. He inspired many people during the civil rights movement and he gave hope to others with his unique perspective. His poems tend to be about social injustice save but a few. His poem, "Ballad of the Landlord" speaks of racial injustice as well as the discrimination of social classes.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

In Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit the main character feels Essa

In Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit the main character feels betrayed by others. Compare how feelings of betrayal are shown in this story and another story of your choice. a) The ways in which the main character is let down by others. b) How the authors show the feelings of betrayal by the way in which they write. c) Differences in the stories. I am going to talk about themes of betrayal, comparing "Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit" and "Chemistry". In both of these stories, some characters are betrayed. The narrator in "Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit" is betrayed by her community when they think she is guilty of pushing over Paula Brown and ruining her new coat. She felt especially betrayed by her Uncle Frank, whom she compares with Superman, as he is her hero in the story. When he does not believe her, she describes it as; "the year the war began and the real world, and the difference." The experience taught her lesson, and marks the end of her childhood. In "Chemistry", it is Grandfather, who is betrayed by his daughter and Ralph. The narrator, his widowed mother and grandfather once lived together in harmony in the grandfathers' house. Their harmony is disturbed by the arrival of Ralph, his mothers' boyfriend. Grandfather becomes increasingly isolated when his daughter and Ralph are mean to him so he retires to his shed, and eventually commits suicide, leaving the others to begin a new life. The stories are both about themes of betrayal, and at the same time are very contrasting stories. "Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit" is about more trivial things, a Snowsuit being ruined, but it was important to the narrator because it showed her the "real world", and taught... ...s much more factual whereas the other is more opinionated and uses much more metaphors and similes. The style of "Chemistry" is such that it always seems to keep to the point, and when there are sometimes long descriptions about things which do not seem t first important, there always seems to be a hidden meaning behind them, for example the door to the shed which symbolised a "step out" or half way out of life for Grandfather. In "Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit" there are a lot of things which do not have much significance to the story, and which add more detail to just set the scene; "he taught me some ju-jitsu in the living room until mother called us for supper". They have some similarities, they are both about relationships between family, and about their childhoods. They are also about changes in their lives and in the way they look at life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Genetics and Genomics Essay

1. One patient has a grade I tumor of the lung, while another patient has a grade IV tumor of the lung. Explain how tumors in various stages are similar and how they differ. (1 point) Both stage I and stage IV lung cancer is presented with cellular differentiation, loss of normal tissue structure, as well as irregular size and shape of the nucleus. Normal cells are able to divide and die cancer cells are pile up on top of each other forming a tumor. The staging and grading of cancer depends on evaluation of size of the tumor, degree of invasion extent of spread and differentiation of cells. Stage I lung cancer is a tumor less than 3cm ,has no evidence of invasion, well differentiated, whereas stage IV tends to be least differentiated have most anaplasia, can be any size and have spread to other organs. The similarity sometimes noted in symptoms that patient is presenting with. Two patients may present with same symptoms and have two different stages. However the survival rate is the same regardless of stage. 2. If a patient has breast cancer, how would angiogenesis and invasion influence tumor growth and metastasis? (1 point) Angiogenesis is a physiological process of developing new blood vessels. This normal process is not only supplying the normal cells but also nourishes the cancer cells. Small cancers are unable to develop new blood vessels, however larger cancers can. The process of invasion occurs between the beginning of the event and development of obvious tumor, some mutated cells die while others reproduce. The tumor at this point continues to grow and reproduce. Breasts tissue is very vascular and very close located to lymph nodes. Cells break off from the original tumor and travel through the lymphatic system and blood stream, to the other organs where they produce secondary tumors. Chapter 14: 3. Compare and contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. (0.75 point) Sympathetic nervous system originates in a spinal cord. The small neurons enter the ganglia near the cord, the ganglia forms a chain that spreads the impulse to neurons (postganglionic) which are responsible for reaching many organs and glands. Physiologic effects of sympathetic nervous system is vasoconstriction, elevated blood pressure, increased heart  rate and contractility, increased respiratory rate, sufficient amount of blood flow to skeletal muscle, smooth muscle relaxation of the lungs, stomach, and urinary tract, sphincter contractions, dilated pupils and ciliary muscle relaxation, increased sweat gland secretion and reduced pancreatic secretions. Parasympathetic nervous system contrasts in the place of its origin, as it originates from central nervous system through cranial nerves from midbrain and medulla. After leaving the CNS the long preganglionic fibers fiber of each parasympathetic nerve travels to a ganglion near a particular organ or gland, and the short postganglionic fibers enter the organ or gland. The sympathetic has opposite order. With parasympathetic nervous system blood pressure heart rate respirations are measured at low levels, GI tract is active after meal, pupils constricted. These two systems compensate each other’s activities. 3. A patient has increased intracranial pressure of 30 mmHg caused by a massive closed head injury. Explain the process of increasing intracranial pressure, and discuss possible complications if the pressure is not decreased. (1 point) With closed head injury, external force is applied to the head and brain causing a disturbance of physiologic constancy. The injury has an impact on brain’s compensatory mechanisms by overwhelming them to the point where they became no longer effective. This leads to increased intracranial pressure. As increased intracranial pressure continues to rise, leading to increased cerebral blood flow which it causes venous congestion. This adds more increase to intracranial pressure, which at this point causes cellular hypoxia. As cellular hypoxia occurs brain death is imminent. 4. Two individuals come to the emergency department with head injuries. A 25 years old, has just been in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and has a temporal lobe injury. The other, 65 years old, has increasing confusion after a fall that happened earlier in the week. How could you clinically differentiate between the individual with the extradural hematoma and the individual with the subdural hematoma? Which one of these individuals requires priority surgical treatment? (1 point) To clinically distinguish between these two injuries it is vital to understand the location of the injury, age of the individual, and extent of the injury. In this case the 25 year-old individual post motor vehicle accident has suffered extradural hematoma. The impact of the accident has caused blunt force trauma to head, which caused a rupture of meningeal artery. Arteries are generally are larger and bleed quicker, which predisposes this individual for quick blood loss. Irregular heart beat and breathing can lead to coma. The 65 year-old individual that has suffered a fall is presenting with subdural hematoma which involves veins, stretching of the veins causes them to tear and bleed. However since this patient is older and in older individuals brain cells die and brain shrinks there is more space in a brain so the veins stretch under low pressure and don’t bleed as fast. As this condition can cause increased intracranial pressure and lead to herniation of the brain it defin itely requires immediate intervention. Nevertheless the priority surgical treatment will be the individual with extradural hematoma due to increased risk of bleeding. Chapter 19: 6. What conditions must be present for a diagnosis of Reye syndrome? (0.25 point) Reye syndrome is believed to be caused by Influenza A, B, and chicken pox. Aspirin also should be avoided with children as it may cause Reye syndrome. Some studies suggest genetic predisposition to Reye syndrome. Some of the conditions that must be existent with this disease are persistent vomiting, loss of consciousness, and effects memory function. Reye syndrome affects temporal lobe of the brain where memory is stored. The encephalopathy is caused by liver depositing lipids. While looking at physiologic symptoms, the cerebrospinal fluid is obtain, and will likely be positive for leukocyte. Treatments depend on the extent of the illness.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Indigenous peoples of the Americas

Reading assignments and class presentations and discussions are organized chronologically and by themes. The topics to be considered Include political history, economic and social developments, and labor gyrations. All reading assignments will be from the required texts and supplementary materials that will be distributed In class as handouts or posted on Blackboard. Learning Outcomes This course will provide students with a basic understanding of the history of the Caribbean, especially from the late nineteenth century to the present.Students will gather and assess differing Interpretations about significant events In Caribbean history, such as the demise of the Indigenous population, the Orleans of slavery, the Students will also have an opportunity to compare and contrast various Caribbean societies so as to appreciate the many aspects of their shared history, society and culture, as well as the ways in which these territories differ from each other, as well as from the United Sta tes. Students will evaluate evidence and arguments critically and produce well-reasoned written essays using evidence to support their conclusions. Course Requirements 1.Regular attendance is critical to being successful in this course. Any missed class will cause you to fall behind. More than four (4) absences will result in you failing the class. 2. Likewise, class participation is essential to your success in this course. Participation includes coming to class prepared by having read the assigned chapters and articles, and able to discuss them in class. 3. All deadlines for assignments must be met. 4. All exams must be taken on the day noted in the syllabus. 5. Textbooks and other require texts or reading materials are required for every class meeting, unless otherwise specified.GRADING Four (4) or more absences without Justification may become an F Grade at the discretion of the instructor. Letter grade Score 4. 0 3. 7 3. 3 3. 0 2. 7 2. 3 2. 0 1. 0 0. 0 Quality points 8+ c 93-10 0 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 0-76 Failure Your grade for this course will consist of six (6) components: 25% Attendance and Class Participation 35% Exams 15% Informal Written Assignments 15% Formal Written Assignment 10% Formal Writing: Information Essay and Powering Presentation CLASS ATTENDANCE not be able to attend a class, he/she should notify the instructor either by e-mail or by phone.You are required to be present, on time, and ready to participate. Your voice is crucial for the class to be a success. Absentee Policy: More than three (3) absences and/or any lateness will result in a loss of participation credit. Participation credit due to absence/lateness may only be made up through extra credit assignments at the professor's discretion. The following factors will result in a lower grade: Being unprepared Refusal to Participate Behavioral Problem Late Assignment CLASS ETIQUETTE All students are expected to arrive on time and refrain from any talking and eating during lect ures.Attendance will be taken the START of each class and only be taken once. Failure to be present during attendance will result in the mark of absent and WILL NOT BE CHANGED. Asking of questions and participation during discussions is tryingly encouraged. Please note that all electronic devices including cellular phones are prohibited during class at all times. This includes testing. No TEXT messaging during class. Failure to comply with these rules may result in as much as FIVE (5) points taken from that student's next exam, or assignment and/or expulsion from the classroom.A copy of CUNY policy on academic integrity will be made available on BLACKBOARD MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS Informal and Formal Writing Informal Writing Assignments The informal writing will consist of out of class assignments. These are â€Å"writing to learn† activities. They are based on the understanding that there is a close relationship between writing, thinking, and learning. The instructor will collect a nd review these assignments. In these informal assignments, students are encouraged to write in narrative form using complete sentences, correct grammar, and accurate so as to improve this skill.In addition, the aim of these activities is to help students clarify their thinking on the subjects and issues covered in the readings and class discussions. Daily Chapter Reviews: Write 1-2 paragraphs (paragraph: 8-10 sentences) Make sure that you note the following: Summarize the major arguments, concepts, ideas presented in the chapter Indicate what conclusion the author reaches Indicate details you found particularly interesting important controversial vague or obvious The purpose of this exercise is to practice writing on a regular basis so as to improve this skill.In addition, the purpose of this activity is to help students clarify their thinking on the subjects and issues covered in the readings and class sessions. Grades for Daily Chapter Reviews (5): Student should bring their type daily chapter review for each of the readings. If we cover the same reading a student only has to write about the chapter once. I will collect five (5) of the chapter reviews and drop the lowest grade. I will NOT indicate when I will collect the chapter reviews so students must be prepared to submit their chapter review at the end of every class.Formal Writing Formal Writing Assignment 1 : Compare and Contrast Essay Indigenous Peoples of the Caribbean: (3-5 pages) The Taints and Caries established complex social, political and economic systems prior to the conquest of the Americas. In this essay, students will compare and entrants the social, political and economic organization of the Taints and Caries before the arrival of Columbus. Students will also discuss the cultural and religious practices in both communities. Lastly, students will explain how both communities resisted Spanish colonization in the initial years of colonization.Formal Writing Writing Assignment 2: Research Pap er Rebellion and Resistance in the Caribbean: (3-5 pages) From the start of European colonization in the Americas, acts of rebellion and resistance against European conquest consisted of arm resistance, sabotage, subversion and the creation of maroon communities. The establishment of maroon communities threaded the continuity of European dominance and forged alternative social, political, economic, and cultural communities separate from official European colonial centers. In this essay, you will examine the emergence and trajectory of one eighteen-century or ninetieth maroon community.You should examine the following: Delineate the conditions that led to the emergence of the maroon community Identify the primary leaders of the maroon community community Analyze the successes, triumphs and decline of the maroon community Choose to write about of these maroon communities: ) Maroons of Hispanic: The Figure of Enrolling 2) Haitian Maroons: The Figure of Macdonald 3) Jamaican Eternally T own Maroon Formal Writing Assignment 3: Information Essay and Powering Presentation For this assignment, students will have an opportunity to analyze Caribbean Culture and Identity.Write an essay of between two and three pages (500-750 words) in which you explore Caribbean culture and identity of one Caribbean country. Discuss the emergence of â€Å"Creole† culture, impact of slavery and 19th century migration of various groups, and present-day construction of racial identity. You will also a ten- minute Powering presentation to present your findings with the class EXAMS Students will take two (2) exams throughout the semester worth 100 points each.These exams will require students to apply information from the textbook and the class lecture; and will include a combination of multiple-choice, fill-ins, and true-false questions. The dates for the tests are listed on the assignment schedule, but are subject to change due to pacing and/or extenuating circumstances that may arise . Any changes will be noted in class. If you're unsure of an upcoming test date, you would call my office or e-mail me as soon as possible. Your lowest exam grade will be dropped.

The aim of this paper is to discuss achievement in South Africa

The aim of this paper is to discuss achievement in South Africa since 1976 in terms of youth and revolutionary morality as well as youth and class. During the Soweto Uprising, the youth of South Africa has firmly established itself on the national political scene:‘[I]n 1976, South Africa’s youth took center stage and remained there throughout the unrest and strife of the 1980s and the political transformation of the 1990s. In fact, many observers see 1976 as the political watershed that culminated in the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. A direct line can be drawn between the Soweto uprising of 1976 and these elections’ (Slabbert et. al., 1994, p.9).  Ever since, the youth has played a major role in the public life of the country (Worden, 2000). By being preoccupied with burning political and social problems, the youth in South Africa takes control over their own future.Revolutionary identity, which was developed in 1976 and subsequent decades of struggle against apartheid, is still present in the young generation (Dlamini, 2005). However, youth in South Africa gradually accepts models of behavior typical for other developed nations. The development of youth subcultures is associated with the influence of new technologies and mass media as well as with increasing level of well-being of certain strata of the society (Dolby, 2001).Another reason for this development is that the decades of universal political activism are gone. As politics became routine matter and major social change was brought about by the deeds of young revolutionaries, the attention to politics has been gradually decreasing. At the moment, young people are more interested in solving problems of economic and social nature (Saul, 2005).Thus, other factors prove to be more important in the process of youth identity formation. Speaking about the process of youth identity formation in more detail, it is necessary to note another change that occurred in the recent period. For a long time, identity formation happened across racial lines, since blacks and whites developed subcultures of their own. Yet as the society becomes more just and integrated, there is a need to take into account all other factors influencing identity formation, such as class, gender, and ethnicity:‘The mutual political accommodation of the essentially human characteristics (identities) of the various categories of black South Africans may accordingly prove to be one of the crucial aspects determining the future of the country’ (Zegeye, 2002, ‘The end of black politics?’, para.5).   Proceeding with the discussion of challenges young people encounter, one of the major problems the youth faces nowadays is associated with lack of social power and deep class segmentation of the society:‘South African society is, even after the change brought about by the demise of apartheid in the 1990s, characterized by deep segmentation not only on t he basis of culture, race, historical background, language and religion, but also on the basis of economic and/or class status’ (Zegeye, 2002, para.7).  Many young people with string revolutionary identity and desire to contribute to social good are trapped in the vicious circle of poverty, isolation, and deprivation. It is of paramount importance for the government to unleash the creative potential of these young South Africans.On the practical level, this can be done by offering universal access to different types of education and crating more employment opportunities for the young. With unemployment on the rise, many young people cannot reap the benefits of vertical mobility and stay in the lower class for the rest of their life, despite their ability and willingness to work hard.Another major preoccupation for young people in South Africa is the HIV/AIDS. The spread of this disease produces a powerful impact on the patters of sexual conduct as well as sexual identity of young people (Peltzer, Pengpid & Mashego, 2006). HIV prevalence rate is especially high is young female citizens (Pettifor et. al., 2004). Apart from youth NGOs, church and religious organizations are believed to play a major role in addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS through encouraging healthy sexual behavior patterns in the representatives of 15 to 24 age group which are at the highest risk (Ruden, 2000).Numerous youth organizations address the issue. In fact, it is necessary to mention that during the 1990s youth is South Africa manifested astonishing skills in advocacy and self-organization. As early as in 1992, the National Youth Development Forum as the united platform and the voice for the youth was founded (SAYC, n/d., ‘Historical Background’).Summing up, it is possible to observe that revolutionary identity is still present in the youth, yet activism is directed as solving problems related to social justice, economic empowerment, and public health.ReferencesDla mini, S.N. (2005). Youth and Identity Politics in South Africa, 1990-94. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.Dolby, N.E. (2001). Constructing Race: Youth, Identity, and Popular Culture in South Africa. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.Peltzer, K., Pengpid, S., & T.B.Mashego. (2006). Youth Sexuality in the Context of HIV/Aids in South Africa. New York: Nova Science Publishers.Saul, J.S. (2005). The Next Liberation Struggle: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy in South Africa. New York: Monthly Review Press.Slabbert, van Zyl F., Malan, C., Olivers, K., & R. Riordan. (1994). Youth in the new South Africa: Towards policy formation. Pretoria: HSRC Publishers.Worden, N. (2000). The Making of Modern South Africa: Conquest, Segregation and Apartheid, 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.Pettifor, A.E., Measham , D.M., Rees, H.V., & N.S. Padian. (November 2004). ‘Sexual Power and HIV Risk: South Africa.’ Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10(11), 1996-2004.Ruden, S. ( May 17, 2000). ‘AIDS in South Africa: Why the churches matter.’ Christian Century, 117(16), 566S.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Employee Performance Evaluation Essay

Do you have any questions about what is expected of you on the job? Are there any areas that are unclear for you? Being in the practice for more than 13 years, I believe I am performing well as a Clinical Coordinator at _________________. I know well my primary duties not only to the doctors but to the patients as well. Patient flow is one of my main tasks. Therefore, doing it for more than a decade has really helped me learn by heart the task that I am supposed and not supposed to do. Extended duties, in addition, provide me with more skills development. Nonetheless, I still believe that committing to my work as a clinician, to the doctors, and to the patients is my key to being able to perform what is expected of me for this particular job. And I know I have worked hard for that. For me, the most unclear, and also lacking, is the salary increase. I have been in this job for more than 13 years and my salary has been pretty much the same. I love my job, that is why I always work hard for it, but taking into consideration practicality, the standard of living has been constantly increasing and I know I have to keep up with that.   It is quite disappointing that my co-employees and I are not getting fairly regular higher compensation grants. What do you consider to be your most important accomplishment in this review period? Being on the job itself and being able to practice what I love doing is one of the accomplishments that I have gained working here. Being able to be trained by professionals and get me going to my long-term goal of getting into Dental Hygiene program at this community college is a privileged appreciated for me. In addition, higher salary, maybe inasmuch as what I have received last year 2005, provides recognition for me as an employee for the decade or more that I have worked as a Clinical Coordinator. What areas would you like to improve on your performance and how do you plan to do it? What can the doctors or other team members do to help you improve? I have realized the joy and hardship of working as a clinician. At the same time, I get firsthand impressions of the satisfaction of the patients when they know that they are cured or will get better soon. This is one of the pleasures I get working here. That is why I want to be even more productive. However, of course, I, as well as my co-employees, want to be recognized and get rightfully compensative for the dedication we tender as clinical workers. It has always been known that additional compensation always boosts employee morale and encourages them to work better and become more productive and useful. Please tell us about any special accomplishments or projects that you have involved into to improve any aspect of the practice. As mentioned, I have been in the practice for over 13 years. More so I believe I have performed well enough indicated by being able to serve the same industry for more than a decade. As far as I know, I have accomplished what is expected of my performance. Otherwise, I would not have lasted long. In addition, to be able to improve my skills, I practice well at work and really put my heart into what I am doing.   The doctors are continuously training me. And eventually, if given more recognition to pay costs for my schooling, I am planning to delve into a Dental Hygiene program sponsored by this community college to be able to enhance more my skills and become a more productive clinician. Other comments? When an employee violates the rules in the practice repetitively in every category, what action do you take to make sure that the doctors get the respect they want out of the employees? I believe one of my strengths is that I know well what I am doing and that I am confident of what I do as a clinical coordinator. As I have said, being on this job for a lot of years has put me in a position where I am assured of my capabilities, and my potentials. With regards to respect, I believe in the clichà © â€Å"give respect to earn it†. Doctors and employees alike, no matter who is the boss of whom, deserves to be respected and properly treated. This involves complying with the proper and professional orders of the doctors, for the sake of their professional work. And the doctors in turn, give to the employees also high regard for the dedication they put on their works and give them rightful recognition. What are the areas that need improvement? I think, training the new employees, especially the new ones must be given proper attention. It has always been good to start working with much needed meaningful experience. This will definitely improve the clinical employees’ skills and practice them even more making them knowledgeable and more experience when it comes to first hand practice and on the job training. Where do you see yourself in the next year and what steps would you like to take to get there? Probably a year from now, I would be taking one or two classes a quarter, hopefully halfway done with pre-requisites. I will still be working fulltime and hopefully be a super treatment coordinator and become more trained and knowledgeable in diagnosing treatments. Two to three years from now, I hope to finish my pre-requisites and be able to prepare for dental hygiene examinations. But of course, I would not want to leave my work so I will still be working fulltime, probably 38 to 40 hours per week. And about five years from now, I may have completed by dental hygiene program having passed the examination. All these plans will help me not just boost my knowledge and skills, but also gain a higher degree of expertise about my chosen profession or career.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bunraku Theatre

Our B Bunkum Theatre performance was a very difficult project to undertake. We were put under a great deal of stress to complete and make our performance great. It was all put together In Just a few short weeks and there was a great deal of tension during rehearsals. Bunkum Is a Japanese puppet production and we made It our own. Our story was about an autistic teenage boy killing his best friend In a moment of rage and confusion. It was quite a deep story.The audience seemed very in to it and really seemed to enjoy it. At points when the narrators were yelling, the audience to a bit frightened, which was the tension we wanted the room to feel. Considering they were eighth graders, I think we did well. My role in our Bunkum performance was co-director with Varian. A director takes on a variety of jobs. We worked with the producer, actors and designers (set, costume, make-up and lighting). If something goes wrong, it is your job to fix it.For our story to take place, we had to assign m any various roles- Director, puppeteers, musicians, chanter/narrator, lighting, set design, puppet makers, props, script writer, producer and someone to cast people. All tasks were difficult and taken with great responsibility. The greatest challenge of being a director was getting people to focus and getting the right amount of effort out of them. Since we spent long hours rehearsing, people were tired and frustrated a lot, so having to yell and tell them what to do.Lots of notes were taken because actors, narrators and musicians forgot cues, tempo and the effort they had to put in so we had to tell them how to improve. It was a lot of stress because Varian and I had to find music, have a vision of what the stage should look like, tell the puppeteers how to move the puppets and the emotion they had to portray. As the director, it is your responsibility that people are on track and know what they are doing. You must be aware of what everyone Is doing and make sure they do It right.Y ou have to understand what consequences it brings if you are not able to cope with the struggle of being a director and manage all the different people Involved in the production. We were put under a great amount of pressure because we only had three weeks to prepare and somehow make everything come together. I think the fact of us being under pressure like this made us work more efficiently and benefited us in the end. We worked extremely hard for many hours a day trying our best to put together a great performance. This was a big part of our B Theatre grade and we were determined to do the best we could.We all had important roles in this and despite there being a great deal of stress, yelling and panicking, we worked well together and had fun. Being co-director, I enjoyed being in charge and in control of what should happen for the production. Having your vision of the production seen on stage is an enjoyable thing because you feel what you have suggested and contributed made the production worth watching and being a part of. It is fun to work with everyone and seeing the production played out and It makes you happy to see everyone working so hard and putting In a lot of effort, even If they are tired.I was quite satisfied with how the performance went and what I contributed to It. Seeing the performance at Its best and knowing it is finally over and you do not have to stress or work so hard at I was scared it would be a disaster, but it turned out much better than I could have hoped, all because of the amount of hard work we all did. It was difficult being a director and I think I did a good Job considering how little time we had. We all took his project very seriously and really wanted it to be great. I have definitely leaned a lot from this project.I was not aware of this great amount of stress and responsibility it was putting together a performance. Giving that this was a small performance I can only imagine what it is like to put together a high-end sh ow. I now understand the hard effort and long hours you have to put in. However, it was not Just hard work, it was also a lot of fun and Joking around. We had fun during rehearsals and you really get to know people after spending hours with them. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and would love to do it again.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 27

Philosophy - Essay Example ble in the sense that it does not label any theories wrong, but treats all assumptions and viewpoints, even the most controversial ones, as possible and justified. The notion of philosophy and the search for wisdom are closely associated with ethical behaviors and metaphysics. That the value of ethics is metaphysical cannot be denied: ethical statements and prescriptions are equally absolute, constraining, and metaphorical, i.e., they are difficult to explain by factual language. In my opinion, the metaphysics of ethics assigns individuals with the responsibility to follow the principal ethical commands without trying to understand the philosophic utility of these ethical standards. Simply stated, the philosophy of life is in complying with the society’s ethical demands, without looking too far into their distant meanings and effects. Here, I cannot but agree to Wittgenstein in that ethics is a road which everyone must go or be ashamed for not going, but the meaning of such a road can hardly be explained, as long as it lies beyond the realm of explicable things (7). Whether we have more knowledge than the ancients is a complex issue. We live at the time of the rapid technological and knowledge advancement and sometimes come to view ourselves as the people, who know (or can know) everything about anything. However, there are still things which we cannot explain. More importantly, most of our knowledge is rooted in the facts, theories, and opinions produced by our predecessors. Objectively, there are things which were available to the ancients but are unavailable to us, and there are things of which previous generations were unaware. The point is in being able to value, preserve, enrich, and use the knowledge of the ancients to build a more systematic vision of the world – the goal any philosopher seeks to pursue. In this context of ethics, metaphysics, and philosophy, the question is in what place God occupies and whether God must be moral and happy. Some

Monday, August 12, 2019

Thoughts of seven wonders of Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Thoughts of seven wonders of Egypt - Essay Example The two main influences of architecture are the sphinx and the great pyramid, since the two artifacts have been in existence for a long period of time. After an analysis of ancient Egyptian culture, I would say that the world has a lot to learn from the work and life of the ancient Egyptians. The first thing that is learnt is the importance of religion and the significance of religious aspects to world history. For example, it is evident that most of Egypt’s artifacts and important architecture have some religious significance or other, therefore, the importance of religion in confirming opinion is noted. The other learning point from the ancient Egyptian studies is the importance of literary thinking and record-keeping. The libraries that were used by the ancient scholars are still accessible, indicating that the Egyptians thought to document all aspects of their civilization. In my opinion, ancient Egyptian civilization was the single most important facet of worldly development and

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Social Responsibility Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social Responsibility - Research Paper Example Organizations that follow CSR policies recognize their responsibility towards the society in which they operate. Although they operate with profit motives, their sole objective behind running the business is not maximizing profit. A company cannot run without the support of the community and it can only grow when it takes such steps that would improvise the status of the society as a whole. Every organization feels an obligation towards fulfilling the demands and well being of its customers, welfare of its employees, profit of shareholders and the interests of the whole community (Hassan & Harahap, 2010). Besides, the company also has a responsibility towards the environment. They have to make ecological considerations in all their operations. It is a big responsibility for socially responsible organizations to reduce their ecological footprints and make more environmentally friendly activities. Managers that develop their business policies by synchronizing their objectives with prin ciples related to these aspects, finds success in making socially responsible moves. Social responsibility of corporate organizations Concern towards CSR is rising fast among the companies operating in the gulf countries. A number of ways have been devised to make the socially concerned organizations operate in socially responsible way. Research shows that organizations in UAE base their CSR activities on the four pillars strategic governance, human capital, shareholder capital and environment (Hancock, 2005). The companies dedicate a portion of their profit for the funding of art and culture in different countries, for providing academic scholarship to less advantaged students belonging to the grass root level in the society and for supporting any type of community-building initiative (Du, 2013). The theory of CSR links closely with the concept of Sustainable Development (Shahwan & Hassan, 2013). According to this concept, enterprises are supposed to make their decisions on the bas is of short term financial factors as well as long term factors that have deep environmental consequences. It is strongly believed that while short term profits or dividends allow the company to occupy good market position in the short run, in the long run, companies can become successful by making holistic moves towards the development of the entire society in which it is operating (Hassan, 2009). For achieving this end, organizations have to look after the environmental cost of their activities. Four important arenas that companies should look after while making socially responsible action, besides presentation of environment are human rights, labor rights and anti corruption. CSR practices in UAE Organizations based in UAE are actively thinking about their CSR initiatives. These are aimed at a number of purposes. Some of the most important objectives of practicing CSR activities by the companies are building community relationships, enhancing living standards of the population of the country and also helping the people of the country defend themselves against natural calamities. Various companies in the Emirates take socially responsible actions in the form of â€Å"social marketing projects† (Flynn, 2012). Corporate managers in the country demonstrate high level of responsibility towards the society.

Korean War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Korean War - Essay Example hina to intervene in the war because of the fear that USA would help the South conquer the North and acquire its territory.1 Chinese also wanted to safeguard the Chinese-Korean border, as well as support for the North to win a glorious battle and to reclaim its status as the Central Kingdom. By helping the North resist the South, China considered it as repaying the North for the soldiers they provided during the civil war in China. Above all, China had a long standing towards the USA and they saw this as the perfect opportunity to inflict pain and suffering to the USA.2 Evidently, Chinese were not prepared to enter the Korean War, but entry of the US prompted them to rethink their decision and join the war. They entered the war to protect their border and to repay debt they owed North Korea, and most importantly to disapprove the US as the war provided a chance to maintain its status and pride as the world power. Civil Operation and Revolutionary Development Support was an organization formed in May 1967. The program aimed at coordinating the U.S public and pacification programs by pulling together all U.S military and civilian agencies engaged in the pacification efforts. The U.S aimed at promoting pacification of the countryside through development of rural areas coordinated with the army operation. CORDS efforts worked well to integrate military and civil efforts as exemplified by the United States Military experience in Vietnam. According to White, Komer, the head of CORD’s operation in Vietnam, successfully integrated the civilian and military personnel into a single efficient unit.3 Furthermore, Komer successfully placed soldiers under the command of civilians. This merger helped eliminate much of the home loyalty that had led to ineffective working of civilians under the previous Office of Civil system. Komer also consolidated the civilian and pacification into distinct and useful CORD programs.4 It was for the purpose of creating a powerful and

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mobile Technologies for Increased Productivity Research Paper

Mobile Technologies for Increased Productivity - Research Paper Example The way business is done changes through innovative ways to work, team efficiency and giving better value to the customer. It is against this backdrop that many companies want learn the potential of mobile technology in relation to employee productivity and increased business profitability.  Benefits include ease of communication through networking and connections between the business and its employees, critical suppliers and customers. Twitter, Linkedin, Skype, Whatsup, Facebook and many other social media applications are enable direction between the business and key stakeholders. This connectivity and direct communication is important in shaping the customer experience. The connectivity and direct communication through mobile technology firms get important customer feedback on products and services hence better product development. The marketing aspect of companies benefits greatly from mobile connectivity as potential clients can access advertisements and promotions on their ce ll phones from anywhere in the world. The use of text messages, IVR, and mobile websites can really aid in customizing marketing adverts for specific audiences. A lot of commerce can be achieved by mobile technologies through mobile ticketing, issuance of loyalty cards, vouchers and coupons. A token that is virtual is delivered to a mobile phone and the customer can come with it to the point of sale for value. Customers are also able to conveniently purchase various contents such music, video clips, books.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Challenges of International Apparel Brands in Penetrating China Essay

Challenges of International Apparel Brands in Penetrating China - Essay Example This paper further emphasises on the study of Chinese culture and its impact on the consumers’ preferences. China as a growing economy is seen as the prospect for the foreign brands to explore the country. China is said to be the land of opportunity and to analyse its true nature the paper has focused on the implication of Chinese culture and what international brands requires to be a part of the Chinese business market. Why china is an important market? How can china help international brands to extend their market share? These questions have also been the point of discussion in the paper. It can also be seen that China though offers opportunity, but for any foreign brand to expand into China would require a research on the Chinese consumers behaviour. Consumer research based on the behavioural pattern can make the international brands understand the market in a better way to implement the right strategy. A thorough research based on the analysis of data collection and other methods can play a significant role in understanding the true nature of consumer behaviour in context to the Chinese culture (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2009, p. 40). Methodology Research methodology can be defined as the process of analysing, collecting and devising the required information. Methodology is an important procedure for any company wanting to market its product in a new territory (Burns & Bush, 2007, p. 6-7). Market research methodology involves the explanation of the problem and the process to find the desired solution. The cause of problem and the research methodology plan are directly proportional to each other. The research methodology has also helped in determining the objective of paper which is to analyse the Chinese market and the consumer... The paper operates mainly based on research questions which can be stated as follows: Why China is an important market? How can China help international brands to extend their market share? It can also be seen that China though offers opportunity, but for any foreign brand to expand into China would require a research on the Chinese consumers behaviour. Consumer research based on the behavioural pattern can make the international brands understand the market in a better way to implement the right strategy. A thorough research based on the analysis of data collection and other methods can play a significant role in understanding the true nature of consumer behaviour in context to the Chinese culture. Chinese economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Since, the advent of economic liberalisation in the early 1980’s the country has seen unprecedented growth. This feature of the country has made it the hotspot for the foreign brands willing to expand their busin ess and extend their market share. Chinese culture in comparison to other cultures is different and this makes the road to success multifaceted for the global brands. Chinese consumers have strong liking for foreign brands as they hardly distinguish them as different brands but rather treat each brand as an international brand and use it to maintain their status symbol. The Chinese consumers’ behaviour has always been a subject of discussion. The case is the same in context to the international clothing brands expanding in China.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Learned Helpness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Learned Helpness - Essay Example These may cause employees to feel that success or recognition is unattainable, thereby inhibiting motivation to improve their performance levels2. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate learned helplessness among employees in organizations, and examine the creation of desirable motivation states through management interventions such as motivation, and empowerment and resilience, to eliminate learned helplessness among employees. Lyn Abramson and her team suggested that objective events in themselves do not produce learned helplessness. How those events are interpreted, particularly how their attributional dimensions are perceived, play an important part. Usually, the situations that produce learned helplessness give rise to only momentary symptoms of depression, unless there already exists a ‘depressive explanatory style’3. Besides generalizing from an unpleasant experience resulting in passive acceptance of situations, another approach to the theory of learned helplessness underscores a reinforcement process as its basis. That is, when particular behaviors lead to desired rewards and outcomes, people are motivated to repeat those behaviors. The motivation to perform those behaviors is lost when the specific behaviors do not help to achieve desired outcomes4. For example, when a manager regularly takes credit for her subordinates’ successes, while blaming them for their failures, the employees may lose their motivation to work harder than is necessary to keep their jobs. Similarly, when an organization enforces the use of outdated and ineffective procedures resulting in failed outcomes, employees may show little urgency or interest in their work5. The significance of organizationally induced learned helplessness is that â€Å"It often remains even when the barriers to success are removed†6. Consequently, when an unfair manager or restrictive policies are removed, employee motivation and

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Professional Analysis of Job Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Professional Analysis of Job Description - Essay Example A HR manager should have excellent control over communication skills. This not only involves speaking and listening, but also not verbal communication such as written and control over facial expressions. For a company that requires only the best, prior experience in this field is an absolute necessity. Until and unless the HR manager has seen and lived through enough years of handling different employees, a manager is not be ready to face challenges that a big company creates. The HR manager position at the manufacturing organization is very demanding even for an experienced manager. Apart from the skills required as mentioned in the above section, the HR manager would be required to develop the organization and management culture. Complete business units/teams will have to be created, coordinated and evaluated so that managers could meet their business objectives. The HR manager would also be required to improve the individual skills of the employees so that the organization as a whole can benefit from it. Another differentiating requirement for this HR manager position is the need to be involved in the commercial decisions taken by the organization. Not only would the manager need to understand business decisions, the manager would also need to facilitate the business and solve any business issues within the organizational teams. Truly such responsibilities cannot be undertaken by an inexperienced manager, in-fact an experienced manager would find under taking such duties, roles and responsibilities enormously challenging. (McNamara,

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Civil Unions and Same-Sex Marriages Essay Example for Free

Civil Unions and Same-Sex Marriages Essay Questions about morality, family relationships, freedom of expression, and sexuality are at stake in the gay marriage debate. The main argument of the issue of same sex marriage is how much we should allow the government to control in issues like marriage in our private lives. â€Å"At Issue: Gay Marriage†, which is a book written by Debra Miller in 2012, includes a broad spectrum of views on the subject. One of the biggest issues in the gay marriage debate is the meaning of the separation of church and state in the United States. Some organizations and churches argue that state support of same-sex marriage is a breach of their religious freedoms which are protected by the US Constitution and if they are forced by laws enacted to include same sex marriages that they are being forced to accept acts that are against their religious beliefs. In a statement made concerning same sex marriage; some religious organizations and churches claimed that homosexual acts go against their religious beliefs and the natural moral law and that they should not be forced to perform marriages that go against their beliefs. Religious organizations say that to legalize homosexual marriage is religious persecution in their eyes. People that approve of gay marriage make the point that marriage is a legal right and a religious right as well because church and the state are separate. Activists argue that homosexual couples have a right to a marriage the same as heterosexual couples do. Another point that is called on is that people do not have to marry in a church but can do so in a court house as well and that no church or religious organization is bound to marry any couple. They are basically saying that churches are not forced to do anything against their belief system. One side will argue against federal laws that encompass and over rule state laws. Others will argue that each state should be able to make and enforce laws that concern each state as they see fit within their state governmental departments, like those concerning marriage laws. President Bush believed and stated that â€Å"the voice of the people is being compromised by the actions of a few judges in isolated cases†, (President George Bush, 2003). Former President Bush believes that laws like these could threaten every state in the union because of the â€Å"full faith and credit† clause in Article IV of the Constitution, (The United States Constitution, Article III, Section 2, 2013), which requires all states to honor the laws of every other state. President Bush said in an interview that the full faith and credit clause would require all states same-sex marriages performed anywhere in America. Bush, 2003) Civil Unions include heterosexual and same sex unions according to The Department of Internal Affairs, (The Department of Internal Affairs, 2004). Civil Unions differ from marriage because they are entered into by two people who chose to live together as man and wife and present themselves to the public and in private this way without an official marriage or marriage license. They consider themselves married but the government, whether state, local, or federal do not. At one time heterosexual civil unions were accepted and now are no longer recognized in most states. What this means is that people with a marriage license issued by the state are guaranteed certain rights, responsibilities, and privileges that people in civil unions are not given. These rights extend to the work place where insurance is guaranteed to a spouse of heterosexuals that are married but not to civil unions between same or opposite sex couples working in the same place. If same sex marriage and civil unions are both accepted and laws are enacted to approve of them then I believe this opens the doors to many other types of behaviors in the future that will do more harm than good to our society. These behaviors would include the right of an older person to marry a child for instance or to marry an animal or inanimate object even. We must ask ourselves one question and that is where we are willing to draw the line in our inclusions and amendments to the laws that were written to protect us in the beginning. The more we accept the more we are willing to accept as a society.